CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > Member List

This is the complete list of members for CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple >, including all inherited members.

add_edge(Edge *e)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline, protected, virtual]
add_face(Face *, Edge **, int, bool inverse_handed=false)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline, protected, virtual]
add_vertex(Vertex *)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline, protected, virtual]
CellComplex(PersistantStore &)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
CellComplex(const CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > &other)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [private]
delete_edge(Edge *)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline, protected, virtual]
delete_face(Face *)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline, protected, virtual]
delete_vertex(Vertex *)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline, protected, virtual]
Edge_Hash_T typedefCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple >
edgesCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [private]
empty_trash()CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline, protected]
enqueue_edges(Vertex *vert, std::deque< Edge * > &edges)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
enqueue_faces(Vertex *vert, std::deque< Face * > &faces)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
Face_Hash_T typedefCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple >
facesCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [private]
find_adjacent_edges(Edge *e, std::list< Edge * > &edges)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
find_adjacent_edges(Edge *e, std::deque< Edge * > &edges)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
find_adjacent_faces(Face *f, std::list< Face * > &faces)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
find_adjacent_faces(Face *f, std::deque< Face * > &faces)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
find_common_edge(Vertex *v0, Vertex *v1)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
find_common_edge(Face *f0, Face *f1)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_edges_begin() constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_edges_end() constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_faces_begin() constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_faces_end() constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_next_edge(typename Edge_Hash_T::iterator &) constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple >
get_next_face(typename Face_Hash_T::iterator &) constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple >
get_next_vertex(typename Vertex_Hash_T::iterator &) constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple >
get_num_edges() constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_num_faces() constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_num_vertices() constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_opposite_face(Edge *e, Face *f)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_opposite_vertex(Edge *e, Vertex *v)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_store() constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_tuple() constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_tuple(Face *) constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_tuple(Vertex *, Face *) const CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_tuple(Edge *, Face *) const CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_tuple(Vertex *) constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_tuple(Edge *) constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_tuple(Vertex *v, Edge *e) constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_vertexs_begin() constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_vertexs_end() constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_vertices_begin() constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
get_vertices_end() constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
inverted_facesCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [private]
Inverted_Hash_T typedefCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple >
is_inverse_handed(Face *) constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
is_member(Vertex *) constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
is_member(Edge *) constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
is_member(Face *) constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
keep_trash()CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline, protected]
keep_trash_CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [private]
lower(Edge *e, std::vector< Vertex * > &vs)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
lower(Edge *e, std::list< Vertex * > &vs)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
lower(Face *f, std::vector< Edge * > &es)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
lower(Face *f, std::list< Edge * > &es)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const CellComplex< V, E, F, T > &bm)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [friend]
operator=(const CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > &other)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [private]
pool_CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [private]
print(std::ostream &os=std::cout) constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
print_statistics(std::ostream &os=std::cout) constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
Switch(int, const Tuple &) constCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
switch0CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [private]
Switch0_Hash_T typedefCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple >
switch1CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [private]
Switch1_Hash_T typedefCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple >
switch2CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [private]
Switch2_Hash_T typedefCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple >
switch_size(int) const CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
trash_CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [private]
trash_cell(Cell *)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline, protected]
Trash_T typedefCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [private]
upper(Edge *e, std::vector< Face * > &fs)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
upper(Edge *e, std::list< Face * > &fs)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
upper(Vertex *v, std::vector< Edge * > &es)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
upper(Vertex *v, std::list< Edge * > &es)CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline]
Vertex_Hash_T typedefCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple >
vertexsCellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [private]
~CellComplex()CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple > [inline, virtual]

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