TUMBLE Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
BezierEdgeThe Edge type for BezierMesh
BezierMeshThe CellComplex of Bezier Cells
BezierTriangleThe Face type for BezierMesh
BezierVertexThe Vertex type for BezierMesh
BoundaryEdgeThe Edge type for a BoundaryMesh
BoundaryFaceThe Face type for a BoundaryMesh
BoundaryMeshThe CellComplex of Boundary elements
BoundaryVertexThe Vertex type for a BoundaryMesh
Tumble::iterators::caster< old_iterator, output_type, output_ref >Wrap an iterator, changing the output type to a subclass. So we can take a list<Mammal*> and iterate over it as if it were a list<Cow*> using a: caster<list<Mammal*>::iterator, Cow*>
CastHash< T >
CellThe model for all Cells great and small
CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple >A toplogical data structure
CellTuple< Vertex, Edge, Face >A Tuple of Cells
CleanerA class that impliments a standard cleaning process
ColorAn RGB color
ConformalMesherTools to define a BoundaryMesh and use it to generate a BezierMesh
ControlPointHasherA hasher for ControlPoints
CurvedTriangleAn abstract class that models a BezierTriangle without data
DataStoreStorage containers for geometric and functional mesh data
Tumble::iterators::dedereferencer< old_iterator, output_type, output_ref >Take in an iterator and dereference it twice. So we can take a list<int**> and iterate over it as if it were a list<int> using a: dedereferencer<list<int**>::iterator, int>
Tumble::iterators::dereferencer< old_iterator, output_type, output_ref >Take in an iterator and dereference it. So we can take a list<int*> and iterate over it as if it were a list<int> using a: dereferencer<list<int*>::iterator, int>
EdgeCellThe model for all Edges of a CellComplex
EPSWriteGenerates an Postcript program to display the mesh in EPS format
FaceCellThe model for all Faces of a CellComplex
FHeap< Data >A templated implimentation of a fibonacci heap, derived from the abstract FibHeap
FibHeapAn abstract definition of a fibonacci heap
FibHeapNodeAn abstract definition of a node of a FibHeap
GhostTriangleA class to keep a copy of a BezierTriangle without all the CellComplex baggage
hashers::hash< BezierEdge * >
hashers::hash< BezierTriangle * >
hashers::hash< BezierVertex * >
hashers::hash< BoundaryEdge * >
hashers::hash< BoundaryFace * >
hashers::hash< BoundaryVertex * >
hashers::hash< Cell * >
hashers::hash< const BezierEdge * >
hashers::hash< const BezierTriangle * >
hashers::hash< const BezierVertex * >
hashers::hash< const BoundaryEdge * >
hashers::hash< const BoundaryFace * >
hashers::hash< const BoundaryVertex * >
hashers::hash< const Cell * >
hashers::hash< const EdgeCell * >
hashers::hash< const FaceCell * >
hashers::hash< const VertexCell * >
hashers::hash< EdgeCell * >
hashers::hash< FaceCell * >
hashers::hash< VertexCell * >
HeapNode< Data >A templated node for a FHeap, derived from the abstract FibHeapNode
LinearDataA vector class used to represent functional data on the mesh
MatrixA standard dense matrix class
Matrix5A matrix class to hold matricies with a bandwidth of 5
MeshBinaryInputA class for creating a BezierMesh and BoundaryMesh from a binary input file
MeshBinaryOutputA class for saving a BezierMesh and BoundaryMesh as a binary file
MeshConstructorTools to define a BoundaryMesh and use it to generate a BezierMesh
MeshInputA class for creating a BezierMesh and BoundaryMesh from a quartet of text files
MeshOutputA class for saving a BezierMesh and BoundaryMesh as a quartet of text files
PairHasher< CellA, CellB >A template of a hasher for std:pair
PersistantArray< Datum, N >
PersistantData< Datum >
PersistantHashMap< Key, Value, HashFcn, EqualKey >
PersistantHashSet< Key, HashFcn, EqualKey >
PersistantList< Value >
PersistantList< Value >::iteratorAn iterator with read-write access. Use the access() function; otherwise, this is merely an iterator
PersistantMemoryPool< Datum >
PersistantMemoryPool< Datum >::hashfcn
PersistantVector< Datum >
Point2DA standard two dimensional Point/Vector class
PQueue< T >A standard linked-list based priority queue templaye
PQueueEntry< T >A container template for the a linked list priority queue
PSCoordA struct for storing coordinates for Postscript
PSDrawModeControls for the EPSWrite class
QBSplineA Quadratic B-Spline which is used to represent BoundaryEdges
SimulationA class which unifies the BoundaryMesh and BezierMesh
TupleHasher< Tuple >A template of a hasher for Tuples
Vec3DA standard three dimentional vetor class
VertexCellThe model for all Vertexes of a CellComplex
VisualizationProvieds methods for displaying a mesh with OpenGL

Generated on Mon May 24 09:53:32 2010 for TUMBLE by  doxygen 1.5.2