QBSpline Class Reference

A Quadratic B-Spline which is used to represent BoundaryEdges. More...

#include </usr1/tp517/Tumble/trunk/src/tumble/spline.h>

Collaboration diagram for QBSpline:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 QBSpline (const std::vector< ControlPoint > &newd, DataStore *_data_store, bool _closed)
 QBSpline (const std::vector< ControlPoint > &newd, const std::vector< double > &newk, DataStore *_data_store, bool _closed)
 QBSpline (const std::vector< ControlPoint > &newd, const std::vector< double > &newk, DataStore *_data_store, double _restlength, bool _closed)
 ~QBSpline ()
Maintain list of internal vertexs
These help to maintain a list of internal vertexs held in the vector vertexs. We need this mapping from internal knots to vertexs for coarsening. Douglas-Peucker will give us a list of knots to keep. But the coarsener need to be able to translate knot values along a spline into BezierVertexs to keep. There is no where else in the program that this mapping is maintained, so it must be done here.

void set_bezier_vertex (double u, BezierVertex *v)
 Set the internal vertex at parameter value u.
void set_bezier_vertex (int idx, BezierVertex *v)
 Set the internal vertex at index.
These are publically availible operators that can be used to modify a spline.

void move (Point2D *dp, Point2D *dq, unsigned xCoord, unsigned yCoord)
 Given a set of velocity vectors move the inernal points of the spline.
void add_knot (double u, ControlPoint &cp0, ControlPoint &cp1, ControlPoint &cp2)
 Add a knot to the spline.
void split (int i, double u, ControlPoint &cp0, ControlPoint &cp1, ControlPoint &cp2)
 Split a sub-spline. The sub-segment at index i is split, adding a new knot. u here refers to the parameter space of the sub-segment -- it ranges from 0 to 1. We return the three control points thus created.
bool remove_knot (double u, ControlPoint &cp, double &u0, double &u1)
 Remove a knot from the spline.
Evaluation and Querring Functions
int get_num_segments () const
 Get the number of segments |segments| = |deboor| - 2.
int get_num_deboor () const
 Get the number of deboor points |deboor| = (|b|+3)/2.
ControlPoint get_deboor (int i) const
 Get the ith Deboor point.
void getip (double i, int *j, double *p) const
 Given a parameter along the spline find the segment and parameter along the segment containing the point.
Point2D evaluate (double u) const
 Evaluates the spline, in the splines parametrization.
Point2D evaluate_segment (int, double) const
 Evaluates a segment at a given parameter value.
void bbox (double *, double *, double *, double *) const
 Find a bounding box for the spline.
void print () const
 Print the spline.
void douglas_peucker (double tol, hashers::hash_set< BezierVertex * > &keep) const
 Run the Douglas-Peucker line simplification algorithm.
Helper Functions for Construction of meshes
These are for the most part messy and poorly written (sorry). They serve almost exclusivly to do the sort of strange reverse lookup types of operations needed by MeshConstrucor::mesh() and MeshInput::read(). Unfortunatly we are bound by the limitations of the external applications in each case, necessitating nasty reverse lookup type hacks.

For instance many of the functions in this group use get_closest_knot(), which is necessary because we have some parameter from a text file that has been rounded, and we need to find the knot that would be the closest to that parameter. This is obviously not numerically stable.

My recommendation is to never use any of these functions, and to work on replacing code that does depend on them.

A common convention in these functions is to talk about the 'index' of a vertex. This is done by considering an ordering of the D0 and D1 vertexs by thier parameter along the spline. The ordering starts at 0. Obviously the first and last verticies in the ordering are D0's and the verticies in vertexs member array are in the middle of this ordering.

BezierVertexget_bezier_vertex (unsigned idx) const
 Given an index of a D1 Vertex, get the BezierVertex.
unsigned get_bezier_vertex_idx (const BezierVertex *v) const
 Given a D1 BezierVertex, find how far along it is on the spline.
ControlPoint get_control_point_at_idx (unsigned idx) const
 Given an index of a D0 or D1 Vertex, get the control point back.
ControlPoint get_edge_center_cp (unsigned u0_idx, unsigned u1_idx) const
 Given a segment, find the center point of thier segment.
double get_u_at_idx (unsigned idx) const
 Given the index of a vertex along the spline, get the knot value.
int get_closest_knot (double u) const
 Find the numerically closest knot to the given parameter.
int get_closest_bezier (double u) const
 Get the closest segment endpoint to a given knot value This will find the numerically closest knot to the parameter, and return the index in b of the bezier point at that knot.
int get_edge_cps (double u0, double u1, ControlPoint &cp0, ControlPoint &cp1, ControlPoint &cp2, int &cp0_is_vert, int &cp2_is_vert) const
 Given u-values, find the control points of the appropriate segment.
ControlPoint get_segment_center (double u0, double u1) const
 Given two parameters return the center ControlPoint of thier segment.

Public Attributes

std::vector< ControlPointb
 The Bezier points of the spline.
std::vector< double > k
 The knot vector.
std::vector< BezierVertex * > vertexs
 The internal BezierVertexs of the spline (D1 vertexs).
bool closed
 Determins if the spline is closed.
double restlength
 The restlength of the spline.
 A pointer to the DataStore used to add/rem ControlPoints.

Private Member Functions

void initialize (const std::vector< ControlPoint > &newd, const std::vector< double > &newk, DataStore *_data_store, double _restlength, bool _closed)
 QBSpline (const QBSpline &o)
 Copy constructor.
QBSplineoperator= (const QBSpline &o)
 Assignment operator.
Movement helper functions
double dt (int i) const
 Compute the parameter range for a segment.
double ratio (int a, int b) const
 Compute a ratio.
Point2Dcompute_new_points (Point2D *dp, Point2D *dq) const
 Formulates a linear system whose solution is new spline.
double ** solve_system (Matrix &A, double **bs, int cols, int num_vectors) const
 Given the linear system of the spline motion, solve it.
double ** solve_small_system (Matrix &A, double **bs, int num_vectors) const
 A replacement for solve_system() for small systems.
Other helper functions
void evaluate_full (double, Point2D *, Point2D *, Point2D *, int *) const
 Runs the DeCasteljau Algorithm.
void simplify (double tol, bool *mark, int j, int z) const
 A helper function for the Douglas-Peucker algorithm.

Detailed Description

A Quadratic B-Spline which is used to represent BoundaryEdges.

B-Splines parameterized curves. They are piecewise Bezier curves, with an additional restriction that they maintain a continuous and differentiable mapping from parameter space into geometric space. The are normally charactorized by a set of control points called the deboor points, and a knot sequence.

For our purpouses we will be using Quadratic B-Splines for our boundaries as they are piecewise Quadratic Bezier and they maintain differentiability.

Every BoundaryEdge in the mesh has a QBSpline which represents the geometric embedding of that edge. There will also be several BezierEdges in the BezierMesh which make up the segments of the spline. These BezierEdges will have a pointer to the BoundaryEdge that they represent, and knot values indicating the parametic values of the BezierEdges' endpoints along the given spline.

Additionally, for each knot in the spline there will be a BezierVertex coorsponding to it and sharing a ControlPoint with the spline. These are the D1 vertexs. They will have a pointer to the BoundaryEdge, and a parameter value along the spline.

D0 and D1 Vertexs

An important concept relating to QBSplines are the BezierVertexs in the BezierMesh that coorespond to the even numbered bezier points along the spline. Recall that the BezierVertexs at the end of the spline are D0 vertexs as they coorespond to BoundaryVertexs in the BoundaryMesh. Also recall, that the BezierVertexs that are internal to the spline are the D1 vertexs.

All of the D1 verticies will be stored by the spline in the vector vertexs. The D1 vertexs are needed by the douglas_peucker() algorithm so that it can translate knot values that it wants to keep into BezierVertexs that it likes to keep.

The D0 vertexs are not stored directly by the QBSpline. They can be found by looking at the BoundaryEdge that contains the QBSpline. This BoundaryEdge has pointers to the BoundaryVertexs, which know of thier D0 points.

Bezier points, Deboor points, and Knots

When storing the spline, we are interested in all of the points that make up the control points of the underlying BezierEdges. We call these the bezier points. They are stored in a vector b as a ControlPoints (pointers to Point2Ds). These will be the same ControlPoints as the underlying BezierEdges and BezierVertexs will use. We will also maintain the knot vector k. The knots will represent the parameter values of the underling BezierVertexs.

When creating splines or adding and removing knots, care must be taken to assure that the QBSplines of the BoundaryEdges share the correct ControlPoints with the BezierVertexs and BezierEdges.

Diagrams and Examples

This is a diagram to clarify how the various spline properties are enumerated:

  In this example we have a spline with:
  segments: 4
  |b|: 9
  |deboor|: 6
  |k|: 5
  |vertexs|: 3
  #Edges: 4

  spline          o-----x-----o-----x-----o-----x-----o-----x-----o
  bezier points   0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8
  deboor points   0     1           2           3           4     5
  knots           0           1           2           3           4
  internal verts              0           1           2
  BeizerEdges      <----0----> <----1----> <----2----> <----3---->

In a QBSpline the following invariants hold:

  |b| >= 3
  if closed then; |b| >= 5
  if closed then; b.first = b.last
  |deboor|   = (|b|+3) / 2
  |k|        = |deboor| - 1
  |segments| = |deboor| - 2
  |vertexs|  = |deboor| - 3
  for 0 <= i < (|k| - 1)
       k[i+1] > k[i]

Definition at line 103 of file spline.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QBSpline::QBSpline ( const std::vector< ControlPoint > &  newd,
DataStore _data_store,
bool  _closed 

QBSpline::QBSpline ( const std::vector< ControlPoint > &  newd,
const std::vector< double > &  newk,
DataStore _data_store,
bool  _closed 

QBSpline::QBSpline ( const std::vector< ControlPoint > &  newd,
const std::vector< double > &  newk,
DataStore _data_store,
double  _restlength,
bool  _closed 

QBSpline::~QBSpline (  )  [inline]


Definition at line 143 of file spline.h.

QBSpline::QBSpline ( const QBSpline o  )  [private]

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 147 of file spline.C.

References b, closed, data_store, k, and vertexs.

Member Function Documentation

void QBSpline::initialize ( const std::vector< ControlPoint > &  newd,
const std::vector< double > &  newk,
DataStore _data_store,
double  _restlength,
bool  _closed 
) [private]

double QBSpline::dt ( int  i  )  const [private]

Compute the parameter range for a segment.

Given a segment number (starting at 0), find how much the parameterization changes over the segment.

i The index of the segment.
The parameter range.

Definition at line 1172 of file spline.C.

References k.

Referenced by getip(), move(), and remove_knot().

double QBSpline::ratio ( int  a,
int  b 
) const [private]

Compute a ratio.

Definition at line 1178 of file spline.C.

References k.

Referenced by compute_new_points().

Point2D * QBSpline::compute_new_points ( Point2D dp,
Point2D dq 
) const [private]

Formulates a linear system whose solution is new spline.

This functions formulates a linear system whose solution gives back the deboor points of a new spline that via a least squares approximation, fits as close to the apparent motion of the old spline as possible.

dp The velocity of the Deboor points
dq The velocity of the non-deboor points
The new deboor points

Definition at line 689 of file spline.C.

References b, big, closed, constraint_ratio, k, Matrix::m, ratio(), solve_small_system(), and solve_system().

Referenced by move().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double ** QBSpline::solve_system ( Matrix A,
double **  bs,
int  cols,
int  num_vectors 
) const [private]

Given the linear system of the spline motion, solve it.

This function is given the linear system from compute_new_points(). It is known that the constriant matrix has a bandwidth of 5, with a cyclic condtion. It is possible to solve this system in time linear in the size of the spline.

This function takes constraint matrix A and array of vectors to solve, bs. A and bs are not modified. The function then computes $ A^T * A $ and stores it as a Matrix5 (5 banded matrix). Then Crout LU decomposition and a LUsolver [both are in Matrix5] are used to solve for each vector. Since $ A^T*A $ is actually a cyclic banded matrix the Sherman-Morrison Formula is used to correct for the errors caused by the non-zero off-diagonal elements. Finally the function will return an array of solution vectors.

A The constraint matrix
bs The right hand side
cols The number of columns in A
num_vectors The diemention of elements on the RHS
The solution of the system as an array of values for each vector in bs

Definition at line 855 of file spline.C.

References closed, Matrix5::d3, Matrix5::LUsolve(), Matrix::m, Matrix::transpose_times_self(), and Matrix::transpose_times_vector().

Referenced by compute_new_points().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double ** QBSpline::solve_small_system ( Matrix A,
double **  bs,
int  num_vectors 
) const [private]

A replacement for solve_system() for small systems.

If the spline is very has less than 3 segments, then it is too small for the algorithm in QBSpline::solve_system(). This solves the system directly by finding $ A^{-1} $

A The constraint matrix
bs The right hand side
num_vectors The diemention of elements on the RHS
The solution of the system as an array of values for each vector in bs

Definition at line 917 of file spline.C.

References Matrix::inverse(), Matrix::times_vector(), Matrix::transpose_times_self(), and Matrix::transpose_times_vector().

Referenced by compute_new_points().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QBSpline::evaluate_full ( double  u,
Point2D t,
Point2D b1,
Point2D b2,
int *  i 
) const [private]

Runs the DeCasteljau Algorithm.

This simply runs the DeCasteljau Algorithm given the input parameter u. It also returns the intermediate values and the segment index, which are used when doing a knot insertion.

u The parameter in the splines parameter domain
[out] t The geometric value at the parameter
[out] b1 The first intermediate value of the DeCasteljau Algorithm
[out] b2 The second intermediate value of the DeCasteljau Algorithm
[out] i The index of the segment in which the parameter value was found

Definition at line 421 of file spline.C.

References b, and getip().

Referenced by add_knot().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QBSpline::simplify ( double  tol,
bool *  mark,
int  j,
int  z 
) const [private]

A helper function for the Douglas-Peucker algorithm.

This is a recursive function which impiments the Douglas-Peucker line simplification algorithm. It will decide which nodes should be kept in order to preserve the shape of the spline to within the olerence provided by tol.

It passes arround an array mark which has a boolean for each node. True means that the node should be removed, false means that the node should be kept.

tol The tolerence for the algorithm
[out] mark An array of makers for the nodes (true=throw away, false=keep)
j The index of the begining of the check
z The index of the end of the check

Definition at line 999 of file spline.C.

References b.

Referenced by douglas_peucker().

void QBSpline::set_bezier_vertex ( double  u,
BezierVertex v 

Set the internal vertex at parameter value u.

This function is for updating the vertexs vector or internal verticies, maintained by the spline. Given a prarmeter it sets this to be the internal vertex closest to that parameter value.

u The parameter along the spline
v The vertex to add

Definition at line 1069 of file spline.C.

References get_closest_knot(), and vertexs.

Referenced by ConformalMesher::create_subsplines(), and BezierVertex::set_bdry().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QBSpline::set_bezier_vertex ( int  idx,
BezierVertex v 

Set the internal vertex at index.

This function is for updating the vertexs vector or internal verticies, maintained by the spline. Given the value idx which should be the index of the vertex along the spline counting the first endpoint. Thus, $ 1 <= idx <= |k|-2 $.

idx The index along the spline
v The vertex to add

Definition at line 1083 of file spline.C.

References k, and vertexs.

void QBSpline::move ( Point2D dp,
Point2D dq,
unsigned  xCoord,
unsigned  yCoord 

Given a set of velocity vectors move the inernal points of the spline.

This function only moves the internal points of the spline, although it takes into account the apparent motion of the endpoints given by dp
This function applies the velocity to the poitnts, and uses a least squares fit to move to find the closest fit to the actual motion, still respecting the differentiability condtions of the QBSpline.

dp The velocity vectors moving the deboor points
dq The velocity vectors moving the non-deboor points.
xCoord : Data index for new x position
yCoord : Data index for new y position

Definition at line 587 of file spline.C.

References b, compute_new_points(), data_store, dt(), get_deboor(), get_num_deboor(), k, Point2D::x(), and Point2D::y().

Referenced by Simulation::move_().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QBSpline::add_knot ( double  u,
ControlPoint cp0,
ControlPoint cp1,
ControlPoint cp2 

Add a knot to the spline.

Given a parameter along the spline, add a new knot at that point.

Adding a knot requires splitting one segment into two, and thus adding two new bezier points. This function uses the DataStore to allocate two new points. It returns the three points which have moved.

If the knot was inserted splitting segment i, the points returned will be the following:

  cp0: the deboor point (centerpoint) of new segment i
  cp1: the bezier point between new segemnts i and i+1
  cp2: the deboor point (centerpoint) of new segment i+1

u The parameter at which to add the knot
[out] cp0 The first affected point
[out] cp1 The first affected point
[out] cp2 The first affected point

Definition at line 467 of file spline.C.

References PersistantList< Value >::iterator::access(), DataStore::add_cp(), b, data_store, evaluate_full(), FATAL_ERROR, k, and vertexs.

Referenced by BezierMesh::insert_edge_midpoint(), and split().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QBSpline::split ( int  i,
double  u,
ControlPoint cp0,
ControlPoint cp1,
ControlPoint cp2 

Split a sub-spline. The sub-segment at index i is split, adding a new knot. u here refers to the parameter space of the sub-segment -- it ranges from 0 to 1. We return the three control points thus created.

Definition at line 437 of file spline.C.

References add_knot(), and k.

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool QBSpline::remove_knot ( double  u,
ControlPoint cp,
double &  u0,
double &  u1 

Remove a knot from the spline.

You cannot attempt to remove endpoints.

This function must be called AFTER the Bezier Edges and vertexs associated with the knot to be removed have been destroyed. This is because the data points are owned by the bezier Edges and vertexs and so must be deleted before the control points are deleted by this function.

Removing a knot from the spline necessaryly changes the set of basis functions, and thus the same curve is no longer able to be represented by the spline. Right now we don't do anything to minimize this, but doing a least squares simmilar to the movement would be more optimal to reduce error.
u Any parameter of the spline that is within the segment to be removed
cp The new center ControlPoint of the newly formed segment
u0 The parameter value of the first endpoint of the new segment
u1 The parameter value of the second endpoint of the new segment
false on failure, true on success

Definition at line 521 of file spline.C.

References b, data_store, dt(), getip(), k, DataStore::rem_cp(), and vertexs.

Referenced by BezierMesh::remove_vertex().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int QBSpline::get_num_segments (  )  const

Get the number of segments |segments| = |deboor| - 2.

Number of segments

Definition at line 1056 of file spline.C.

References k.

Referenced by ConformalMesher::create_subsplines(), and ConformalMesher::reticulate_splines().

int QBSpline::get_num_deboor (  )  const

Get the number of deboor points |deboor| = (|b|+3)/2.

Number of deboor points

Definition at line 1047 of file spline.C.

References b.

Referenced by Visualization::draw_boundary_edge_debug(), move(), BezierMesh::remove_vertex(), and MeshBinaryOutput::write().

ControlPoint QBSpline::get_deboor ( int  i  )  const

Get the ith Deboor point.

This function will return the deboor point i. There are (|b|+3) / 2 deboor points. If you enter a negative number it will return the first deboor point, and with a number greater than |deboor|-1 it will return the last deboor point.

i Index
ControlPoint at the ith deboor point

Definition at line 211 of file spline.C.

References b.

Referenced by Visualization::draw_boundary_edge_debug(), move(), ConformalMesher::reticulate_splines(), and MeshBinaryOutput::write().

void QBSpline::getip ( double  t,
int *  i,
double *  p 
) const

Given a parameter along the spline find the segment and parameter along the segment containing the point.

Returns i==-1 if the parameter t is out of range.

t The global parameter along the spline
[out] i The index of the segment containing the point
[out] p The parameter of the point along the segment

Definition at line 228 of file spline.C.

References closed, dt(), and k.

Referenced by evaluate(), evaluate_full(), and remove_knot().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Point2D QBSpline::evaluate ( double  u  )  const

Evaluates the spline, in the splines parametrization.

Simply evaluates the spline geometrically given a value in it's parameter space.

u A parameter along the spline (between k[0] and k[k.szie()-1])
The geometric value at the given parameter

Definition at line 395 of file spline.C.

References evaluate_segment(), and getip().

Referenced by BezierVertex::get_u().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Point2D QBSpline::evaluate_segment ( int  s,
double  u 
) const

Evaluates a segment at a given parameter value.

Given the index of a segment, and a parameter between 0 and 1, get the geometric value at that point.

s The index of the segment (starting at 0 and going to |segments|-1 )
u A paramerer between 0 and 1
The geometric value of the segment at the given parameter

Definition at line 380 of file spline.C.

References b.

Referenced by Visualization::draw_boundary_edge(), Visualization::draw_boundary_edge_debug(), and evaluate().

void QBSpline::bbox ( double *  top,
double *  left,
double *  bot,
double *  right 
) const

Find a bounding box for the spline.

This function finds the smallest axis-aligned box containg the spline.

[out] top The top of the box
[out] left The left of the box
[out] bot The bot of the box
[out] right The right of the box

Definition at line 1031 of file spline.C.

References b.

Referenced by douglas_peucker().

void QBSpline::print (  )  const

Print the spline.

Definition at line 404 of file spline.C.

void QBSpline::douglas_peucker ( double  tol,
hashers::hash_set< BezierVertex * > &  keep 
) const

Run the Douglas-Peucker line simplification algorithm.

This function runs the Douglas-Peucker line simplification algorithm, and determines which of the segment endpoints are neccessary to be kept for the spline to maintain its approximate shape. It marks the points it feels are essential by adding them to the keep set.

This keep set is mafe to interact with the coarsening algorithms in BezierMesh

tol The tolerance for the algorithm
[out] keep A set of vertexs that should be kept

Definition at line 947 of file spline.C.

References bbox(), k, MAX, simplify(), and vertexs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

BezierVertex * QBSpline::get_bezier_vertex ( unsigned  idx  )  const

Given an index of a D1 Vertex, get the BezierVertex.

The index of the D1 vertex is taken as the index with the D0 vertexs included

idx The index of the D1 vertex
The BezierVertex at the index

Definition at line 1116 of file spline.C.

References vertexs.

Referenced by ConformalMesher::reticulate_splines().

unsigned QBSpline::get_bezier_vertex_idx ( const BezierVertex v  )  const

Given a D1 BezierVertex, find how far along it is on the spline.

The vertex v must be an internal vertex (a d1 vertex, not a d0). Returns an index for use with get/set_bezier_vertex. This function returns the index of the vertex counting the initial D0 vertex.

v The BezierVertex to find the index for.
The index of the internal vertex, counting the initial D0 vertex.

Definition at line 1099 of file spline.C.

References vertexs.

ControlPoint QBSpline::get_control_point_at_idx ( unsigned  idx  )  const

Given an index of a D0 or D1 Vertex, get the control point back.

This function orders all the D0 and D1 vertexs by thier parameter, and then given an index in this ordering, retunrs the control point at that position.

The control point at the vertex.

Definition at line 1127 of file spline.C.

References b, and k.

Referenced by ConformalMesher::create_subsplines(), and MeshBinaryInput::read().

ControlPoint QBSpline::get_edge_center_cp ( unsigned  u0_idx,
unsigned  u1_idx 
) const

Given a segment, find the center point of thier segment.

This function takes the index of two D0 and D1 vertexs. It assumes that these two vertexs span a single segment. It then returns the ControlPoint for the center of the segment.

u0_idx The first vertex index
u1_idx The second vertex index
The center ControlPoint

Definition at line 1143 of file spline.C.

References b, and k.

Referenced by MeshBinaryInput::read().

double QBSpline::get_u_at_idx ( unsigned  idx  )  const

Given the index of a vertex along the spline, get the knot value.

idx The index of the vertex
The knot value at the vertex

Definition at line 1158 of file spline.C.

References k.

Referenced by MeshBinaryInput::read().

int QBSpline::get_closest_knot ( double  u  )  const

Find the numerically closest knot to the given parameter.

In some situations, you may have a floating point value which you know is a knot, but are unsure which knot it represents in the sequence. Additionally, the value may have slight rounding errors, making a direct search impossible.

This function will take an approximate knot value and find the index of the knot which most closely matches the given value.

u The approximate value of the knot to find
the index of the knot

Definition at line 279 of file spline.C.

References k.

Referenced by get_closest_bezier(), get_segment_center(), and set_bezier_vertex().

int QBSpline::get_closest_bezier ( double  u  )  const

Get the closest segment endpoint to a given knot value This will find the numerically closest knot to the parameter, and return the index in b of the bezier point at that knot.

The parameter
The index in b

Definition at line 301 of file spline.C.

References get_closest_knot().

Referenced by get_edge_cps().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int QBSpline::get_edge_cps ( double  u0,
double  u1,
ControlPoint cp0,
ControlPoint cp1,
ControlPoint cp2,
int &  cp0_is_vert,
int &  cp2_is_vert 
) const

Given u-values, find the control points of the appropriate segment.

This is only used by the MeshInput::read() method.
This is code for a reverse lookup of the control points on a spline given the u values into it. It is necessary in order to rebuild a mesh from the ruby output file format Also, we require u0 < u1 for this to work

Furthermoore, this function will check if cp0 or cp2 are at the ends of the spline. This data will be returned via the cp0_is_vert and cp2_is_vert variables. We let (-1 == not a vertex; 0 == vertex0; 1 == vertex1)

This way we can determine where each BezierVertex is in respect to the boundary and can thus set the boundary data correctly with the BezierVertex::set_bdry() functions.

This whole function is only used when reading in from the ruby file format. This is the conssession we must make for not having cached control point values. Since it is only called during the read operation the inefficientcies here are not important.

u0 The first parameter value
u1 The second paramerer value
[out] cp0 The first control point of the edge
[out] cp1 The second control point of the edge
[out] cp2 The third control point of the edge
[out] cp0_is_vert Determins if the first cp is an enpoint of the spline
[out] cp2_is_vert Determins if the third cp is an enpoint of the spline
0 on Failure 1 on Success

Definition at line 333 of file spline.C.

References b, FALSE, get_closest_bezier(), and TRUE.

Referenced by MeshInput::read().

Here is the call graph for this function:

ControlPoint QBSpline::get_segment_center ( double  u0,
double  u1 
) const

Given two parameters return the center ControlPoint of thier segment.

The main puurpose of this function is for the reconstruction requirements in MeshConstructor::mesh().

Kill this method when MeshConstructor::mesh() is killed
This function asserts that u0 and u1 are numerically very close to knots that span a single segment. It returns the control point in the middle of the segment
u0 The first knot
u1 The second knot
The center ControlPoint

Definition at line 180 of file spline.C.

References b, get_closest_knot(), and k.

Here is the call graph for this function:

QBSpline & QBSpline::operator= ( const QBSpline o  )  [private]

Assignment operator.

Definition at line 157 of file spline.C.

References b, closed, data_store, k, and vertexs.

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<ControlPoint> QBSpline::b

The Bezier points of the spline.

Definition at line 130 of file spline.h.

Referenced by add_knot(), bbox(), compute_new_points(), BoundaryMesh::delete_edge(), Visualization::draw_boundary_edge(), Visualization::draw_boundary_edge_debug(), evaluate_full(), evaluate_segment(), get_control_point_at_idx(), BoundaryEdge::get_d0_vertex(), get_deboor(), get_edge_center_cp(), get_edge_cps(), get_num_deboor(), get_segment_center(), move(), Simulation::move_(), operator<<(), operator=(), QBSpline(), remove_knot(), simplify(), and MeshBinaryOutput::write().

std::vector<double> QBSpline::k

The knot vector.

Definition at line 131 of file spline.h.

Referenced by add_knot(), compute_new_points(), douglas_peucker(), dt(), get_closest_knot(), get_control_point_at_idx(), get_edge_center_cp(), get_num_segments(), get_segment_center(), BezierVertex::get_u(), get_u_at_idx(), getip(), move(), Simulation::move_(), operator<<(), operator=(), QBSpline(), ratio(), remove_knot(), ConformalMesher::reticulate_splines(), BezierVertex::set_bdry(), set_bezier_vertex(), split(), and MeshBinaryOutput::write().

std::vector<BezierVertex*> QBSpline::vertexs

The internal BezierVertexs of the spline (D1 vertexs).

Definition at line 132 of file spline.h.

Referenced by add_knot(), douglas_peucker(), get_bezier_vertex(), get_bezier_vertex_idx(), BoundaryEdge::get_d1_vertex(), BoundaryEdge::get_num_d1_vertexs(), BezierVertex::get_u(), operator<<(), operator=(), QBSpline(), remove_knot(), and set_bezier_vertex().

bool QBSpline::closed

Determins if the spline is closed.

Definition at line 133 of file spline.h.

Referenced by compute_new_points(), BezierVertex::get_u(), getip(), operator<<(), operator=(), QBSpline(), BezierMesh::remove_vertex(), solve_system(), and MeshBinaryOutput::write().

double QBSpline::restlength

The restlength of the spline.

Definition at line 134 of file spline.h.

Referenced by operator<<(), BoundaryEdge::set_restlength(), and MeshBinaryOutput::write().

DataStore* QBSpline::data_store

A pointer to the DataStore used to add/rem ControlPoints.

Definition at line 135 of file spline.h.

Referenced by add_knot(), move(), operator=(), QBSpline(), and remove_knot().

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Generated on Mon May 24 09:53:34 2010 for TUMBLE by  doxygen 1.5.2