Todo List

Member BezierMesh::reinterpolate (BezierEdge *e, BezierTriangle **newt, GhostTriangle **oldt)
Can the orientation be simplifed here, pssible eliminateing BezierMesh::phi_evaluate()

Member BezierMesh::blind_locate_point (Point2D pt, BezierTuple &, double &u, double &v)
Make this function always locate any point that is geometrically inside a BoundaryFace (requires fixing BezierMesh::locate_point() )

Class BoundaryEdge
Add new spline types written by Todd

Class CellComplex< Vertex, Edge, Face, Tuple >
Add Brison paper reference and discussion

Member CellComplex::Switch (int, const Tuple &) const
Currently we have no good ideas how to set up switches for faces with edge sets that do not form simple cycles. Thus, we do not currently allow Faces with such edge sets. Some BoundaryFaces have such a topology, in this case, we currently add only those edges of the face which do make a simple cycle, this leaves the BoundaryComplex technically incorrectly defined. As we never use tuples of the BoundaryMesh, this problem is not currently pressing, although it should be fixed in the future.

Member CellComplex::add_face (Face *, Edge **, int, bool inverse_handed=false)
Allow Faces to have Edge sets which are not simple cycles as is the case for some BoundaryFaces

Class Cleaner
Remove this class and fix and programns that depend on it.

Class ConformalMesher
eventually remove this whole class, and move its functions to BoundaryMesh or simulation.

Class PSDrawMode
make mode into an enum

Member QBSpline::remove_knot (double u, ControlPoint &cp, double &u0, double &u1)
Removing a knot from the spline necessaryly changes the set of basis functions, and thus the same curve is no longer able to be represented by the spline. Right now we don't do anything to minimize this, but doing a least squares simmilar to the movement would be more optimal to reduce error.

Member QBSpline::get_segment_center (double u0, double u1) const
Kill this method when MeshConstructor::mesh() is killed

File cell.h
Develop a more general (cell,key)->value dictionary for cell properties specific to a particular application

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