Course Assistants: The undergraduate course
assistants who will work with this section of the course are listed on the course web page along with their help hours.
Course Web Page: Most
of the handouts in this course will be available through this World
Wide Web address.
Course Description:
Excerpted from the catalog:
"An introduction to the process of program design and analysis
using the Java programming language for students who have NO prior
programming experience. Topics to be covered include basic data types
and their operators, I/O, control structures (selection, loops),
classes (including methods and fields), files, arrays, and simple
sorting and searching algorithms."
you have taken a programming course and have used functions, loops, and
arrays, you probably should be enrolled in a different course.
see the instructor for advice.
For any academic field, an introductory level course serves many
purposes. When leaving an introductory level course, a student
is typically expected to be conversant in the basic terminology of the
field, to be able to recognize and discuss the processes and products
of the field, and to be able to produce some products, by being engaged
in the process. Thus, this course has three
subgoals: to produce students capabable of using the
correct terminology of programming, to produce students who can do
basic analysis of computer programs (by looking at the computer code,
or by the program's execution), and to be able to produce some computer
programs. Hopefully you will see movement towards all of
goals throughout the course.
Course Logistics:
are approximately 19 different sections of this course being offered
this semester, with several different instructors. Although all
sections prepare students for a common exam as well as for the
next course, each section is run differently,
with different assignments, schedules, and policies. As
such, it is important that you attend only the section that you are
enrolled in, unless you get permission from your instructor.
Course E-mail: Electronic communication will be utilized in this course. Students will be expected to read their e-mail regularly. I may send out corrections/ clarifications to course work via email. Further, many grades and feedback on electronic assignments will be gotten to you via email. Such email will be sent to students' andrew accounts. If you wish to have your mail sent elsewhere, you will need to have andrew forward to the right place.
Textbooks: There is one required text for the course and two optional texts.
Hardware and Software needs: The classroom
cluster has iMac machines for use. However, the
work for this course can be done on most any Mac running OSX or PC
running windows XP. Some software you will need to
have and be familiar with:
Computer Labs: The Wean Hall 5419 cluster has assistants staffing the room who are familiar with some of the material in this course. However, they are NOT necessarily familiar with the details of particular assignments or policies of the course. The hours of the room unless otherwise posted are listed below. (First week hours and other changes are posted on the wall outside the cluster in a glass case.) Course Assistants dedicated to these sections usually hold their office hours in this lab.
Exercises: There will be an
exercise handed out during many class periods. Some of these will
be done in class, while some will be intended to be completed outside
of class.
Each assignment will give
instructions on the requirements for handing it in.
Printouts, electronic submissions, written answers to questions, or a
combination of these may be required. If the instructions are not
followed, the assignment may receive no credit. Do NOT email me
your solutions.
Each exercise will give not only a due date, but a due time.
Exercises that are turned in late will be automatically penalized
20%. I reserve the right not to accept assignments turned
in more than 1 week late. The online submission system may still
accept an assignment at that point, but it will not be
graded. In cases
where I do accept assignments that are extremely late, there will be
a 50% penalty. No assignments will be accepted after the last day
of classes.
The computer system will be sending confirmations of submissions by
email as well as the feedback on some of the exercises. You
should keep these emails for the remainder of the semester - in case
there is a mistake in our records come the end of the semester, you
will have this record to help correct such problems in our records.
Quizzes: There will be a quiz given every
Wednesday (unless an exam is being given). Some of these will be
on paper, while some will utilize the computer. I reserve
the right to give quizzes on other days as well - announced or
unannounced. There will be
no makeup quizzes given. A student can miss up to two
quizzes without it adversely affecting their grade in the course.
Exams: There will be two in-class exams. They
will be given on the following dates:
#1) Wednesday, October 4
#2) Wednesday, November 8
There will be no makeup exams given.
Final Exam: All students taking 15-100 will take
a comprehensive written exam during the Final Exams period. Details on this will be announced as the time
approaches. Tuesday, December 19, 1-4pm. Location: TBA
The relative weight of each item in determining
your course grade will be as follows:
Course Grades will be assigned as follows:
Midterm grades will include + or -.
Extra Credit: Some of the homework assignments may
suggest extra credit. Extra credit will not hurt anyone, it can
only help. If someone has a borderline grade at the end of the
term, I will look to see if they did any extra credit, before deciding
whether or not to bump them up a notch. Unless otherwise
specified, no actual points will be assigned to extra credits.
Academic Honesty: The University's policy on
applies in this course. When cheating or plagiarism is
discovered, the incident will be reported to the appropriate Dean's
office, as per
University policy. Some special explanations that are
to these sections of this course are on the Academic
honesty handout.
Efforts will be made in class to describe these
If you have any questions as to what is appropriate and what is not,
please ask me about it.