Below is the page from 2000.   For current information, see Scott or Sarah's web page.

We arrived to our apartment in Allentown on Thursday, July 13.  This is the apartment where Scott has been living for two years, and he is making efforts to try to help make Sarah feel at home.

Scott continues to teach math, computer science, and statistics at Muhlenberg College in the Mathematical Sciences Department.

Sarah teaches geology at Cedar Crest College in an adjunct faculty position.
Our mailing address and phone number:
817 South Jefferson St.
Apt #7
Allentown, PA  18103
Our email:
Scott -

Sarah - 

Gearing Up The Wedding The Reception The Honeymoon Photo Album

yellow bar

Where are they now

See the original web site for the wedding.

 This page changed on November 13, 2000.