
These online papers and abstracts are listed in chronological order (most recent first). Papers may be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat (pdf), postscript (ps), or gzip compressed postscript (.gz). Pdf is generally the quickest to download.

Interactive Manipulation of Rigid Body Simulations
Jovan Popovic, S. M. Seitz, M. Erdmann Z Popovic, and A. WitkinProc. SIGGRAPH , 2000, to appear.
(823K pdf).

Physical simulation of dynamic objects has become commonplace in computer graphics because it produces highly realistic animations. In this paradigm the animator provides few physical parameters such as the objects’ initial positions and velocities, and the simulator automatically generates realistic motions. The resulting motion, however, is difficult to control because even a small adjustment of the input parameters cant drastically affect the subsequent motion. Furthermore, the animator often wishes to change the end-result of the motion instead of the initial physical parameters. We describe a novel interactive technique for intuitive manipulation of rigid multi-body simulations. Using our system, the animator can select bodies at any time and simply drag them to desired locations. In response, the system computes the required physical parameters and simulates the resulting motion. Surface characteristics such as normals and elasticity coefficients can also be automatically adjusted to provide a greater range of feasible motions, if the animator so desires. Because the entire simulation editing process runs at interactive speeds, the animator can rapidly design complex physical animations that would be difficult to achieve with existing rigid body simulators.

Structure from Motion Without Correspondences
F. Dellaert S. M. Seitz C. E. Thorpe S. ThrunProc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conf. (CVPR) , 2000, to appear.
(500K pdf).

A method is presented to recover 3D scene structure and camera motion from multiple images without the need for correspondence information. The problem is framed as finding the maximum likelihood structure and motion given only the 2D measurements, integrating over all possible assignments of 3D features to 2D measurements. This goal is achieved by means of an algorithm which iteratively refines a probability distribution over the set of all correspondence assignments. At each iteration a new structure from motion problem is solved, using as input a set of virtual measurements derived from this probability distribution. The distribution needed can be efficiently obtained by Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling. The approach is cast within the framework of Expectation-Maximization, which guaran-tees convergence to a local maximizer of the likelihood. The algorithm works well in practice, as will be demonstrated using results on several real image sequences

Shape and Motion Carving in 6D
S. Vedula, S. Baker, S. Seitz, and T. Kanade,  Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conf. (CVPR) , 2000, to appear.
(560K pdf).

The motion of a non-rigid scene over time imposes more constraints on its structure than those derived from images at a single time instant alone. An algorithm is presented for simultaneously recovering dense scene shape and scene flow (i.e., the instantaneous 3D motion at every point in the scene). The algorithm operates by carving away hexels, or points in the 6D space of all possible shapes and flows that are inconsistent with the images captured at either time in-stant, or across time. The recovered shape is demonstrated to be more accurate than that recovered using images at a single time instant. Applications of the combined scene shape and flow include motion capture for animation, re-timing of videos, and non-rigid motion analysis.

A Theory of Shape by Space Carving
K. N. Kutulakos and S. M. Seitz, International Journal of Computer Vision, Marr Prize Special Issue, 2000, to appear.  Earlier version appeared in Proc. Seventh International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) , 1999, pp. 307-314.
(1M pdf).

In this paper we consider the problem of computing the 3D shape of an unknown, arbitrarily-shaped scene from multiple photographs taken at known but arbitrarily-distributed viewpoints. By studying the equivalence class of all 3D shapes that reproduce the input photographs, we prove the existence of a special member of this class, the photo hull, that (1) can be computed directly from photographs of the scene, and (2) subsumes all other members of this class. We then give a provably-correct algorithm, called Space Carving, for computing this shape and present experimental results on complex real-world scenes. The approach is designed to (1) capture photorealistic shapes that accurately model scene appearance from a wide range of viewpoints, and (2) account for the complex interactions between occlusion, parallax, shading, and their view-dependent effects on scene-appearance.

Omnivergent Stereo
H.Y. Shum, A. Kalai, and S. M. Seitz, Proc. Seventh International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) , 1999, To appear.
(1.2M pdf).

The notion of a virtual sensor for optimal 3D reconstruction is introduced. Instead of planar perspective images that collect many rays at a fixed viewpoint, omnivergent cameras collect a small number of rays at many different viewpoints. The resulting 2D manifold of rays are arranged into two multiple-perspective images for stereo reconstruction. We call such images omnivergent images and the process of reconstructing the scene from such images omnivergent stereo This procedure is shown to produce 3D scene models with minimal reconstruction error, due to the fact that for any point in the 3D scene, two rays with maximum vergence angle can be found in the omnivergent images. Furthermore, omnivergent images are shown to have horizontal epipolar lines, enabling the application of traditional stereo matching algorithms, without modification. Three types of omnivergent virtual sensors are presented: spherical omnivergent cameras, center-strip cameras and dual-strip cameras.

Implicit Representation and Scene Reconstruction from Probability Density Functions
S. M. Seitz and P. Anandan, Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conf., 1999, pp. 28-34. Earlier version appeared in Proc. DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Monterey, CA, 1998.
(120K pdf).

A technique is presented for representing linear features as probability density functions in two or three dimensions. Three chief advantages of this approach are (1) a unified representation and algebra for manipulating points, lines, and planes, (2) seamless incorporation of uncertainty information, and (3) a very simple recursive solution for maximum likelihood shape estimation. Applications to uncalibrated affine scene reconstruction are presented, with results on images of an outdoor environment.

What Do N Photographs Tell Us about 3D Shape?
K. N. Kutulakos and S. M. Seitz, TR680, Computer Science Dept., U. Rochester, January 1998.
(2.7M pdf).

In this paper we consider the problem of computing the 3D shape of an unknown, arbitrarily-shaped scene from multiple color photographs taken at known but arbitrarily-distributed viewpoints. By studying the equivalence class of all 3D shapes that reproduce the input photographs, we prove the existence of a special member of this class, the maximal photo-consistent shape, that (1) can be computed from an arbitrary volume that contains the scene, and (2) subsumes all other members of this class. We then give a provably-correct algorithm for computing this shape and present experimental results from applying it to the reconstruction of a real 3D scene from several photographs. The approach is specifically designed to (1) build 3D shapes that allow faithful reproduction of all input photographs, (2) resolve the complex interactions between occlusion, parallax, shading, and their effects on arbitrary collections of photographs of a scene, and (3) follow a "least commitment" approach to 3D shape recovery.

Plenoptic Image Editing
S. M. Seitz and K. N. Kutulakos, Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Computer Vision, 1998, pp. 17-24.
(550K pdf, postscript, or 3.7M gzip'ed postscript). Earlier version available as Technical Report 647, Computer Science Department, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, January 1997.
( postscript or 3.7M gzip'ed postscript)

This paper presents a new class of interactive image editing operations designed to maintain physical consistency between multiple images of a physical 3D object. The distinguishing feature of these operations is that edits to any one image propagate automatically to all other images as if the (unknown) 3D object had itself been modified. The approach is useful first as a power-assist that enables a user to quickly modify many images by editing just a few, and second as a means for constructing and editing image-based scene representations by manipulating a set of photographs. The approach works by extending operations like image painting, scissoring, and morphing so that they alter an object's plenoptic function in a physically-consistent way, thereby affecting object appearance from all viewpoints simultaneously. A key element in realizing these operations is a new volumetric decomposition technique for reconstructing an object's plenoptic function from an incomplete set of camera viewpoints.

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Last Changed: July 9, 1999