SEE (Summer Engineering Experience for Girls)

See how you can make the world a better place through engineering!
Links to other outreach programs around Pittsburgh
Just listed: Expanding Your Horizons
Expanding your Horizons
EYH is a national program to involve 6th-9th grade girls in science,
math and engineering. On Saturday October 13, Robert Morris
University will host a day of workshops, demonstrations, and a
career fair. The deadline for registration is October 5.
Programs at Carnegie Mellon
SWE High School Days and Middle School Days
The Carnegie Mellon student chapter of the Society of Women Engineers
(SWE) sponsors several day long programs throughout the school year to
give high school girls hands on experience with engineering.
Women@SCS Computer Science outreach programs
Women@SCS (Women at the School of Computer Science) sponsors many
different programs to involve girls in computing. Check out their
roadshow which they can bring to your school.
Robotics Academy
The Carnegie Mellon
National Robotics Engineering Center has a large outreach program.
They have summer camps and competitions for students, professional
development for teachers, videos, robotics curriculum ...
Summer Academy for for Mathematics and Science (SAMS)
SAMS is a 6 week summer academy for students entering 11th or 12th
grade. From their web site: "Simply stated, the objective of the
Summer Programs for Diversity is to expand the pipeline by enrolling
high school students who will grow educationally and personally, and
therefore succeed in gaining admission to selective colleges and
universities. To that end, we recruit, admit and enroll good students
who can become excellent students when given access to educational
opportunities at Carnegie Mellon." The program is free to admitted
This web site also has links to other summer pre-college programs at
Carnegie Mellon. Current pre-college programs include Architecture,
Art, Design, Drama, Music, and the Game Academy. The Game Academy is
an intensive study of video game design and development.
The PROGRESS program at the Heinz School helps girls learn how to
negotiate. They have programs for girls aged 8-12 and also have
material for adults.
PA Governor's School
PGSS is an ungraded summer enrichment program which is in session for
five weeks, seven days per week. All students are required to live on
the CMU campus in college dormitories. It is an intense program in
which the students take lecture courses in biology, chemistry, physics,
mathematics and computer science. In addition, they are expected to
participate in their choice of one laboratory course in either biology,
chemistry, physics, or computer science, and to engage in team research
projects in one of the above five major discipline areas. The students
also have the opportunity to take elective courses which may vary from
year to year, to participate in several field trips, and to be further
enriched by a distinguished guest lecture series and special seminars
on leadership and college selection.
Leonard Gelfand Center for Service Learning and Outreach
Gelfand Center web page keeps a page of outreach programs at Carnegie Mellon.
University of Pittsburgh
Technology Leadership Institute
The mission of the Technology Leadership Institute (TLI) is to provide
high school students with opportunities, tools and motivation needed to
pursue Computer Science related degrees and excel academically,
socially and professionally.
Pitt Engineering Career Access Program (PECAP)
PECAP includes a pre-college and a college component and provides a
continuous pipeline for students to move from high school to college.
INVESTING NOW and CARE (Critical and Analytical Reasoning Enrichment)
make up the PECAP Pre-College Component
Carnegie Science Center
Carnegie Science Center - Girls, Math & Science
Partnership (GMSP)
The Girls, Math & Science Partnership's mission is to engage,
educate, and embrace girls as architects of change. Working with girls
age 11 - 17 and their parents, teachers, and mentors, we draw
organizations, stakeholders, and communities together in an effort to
ensure that girls succeed in math and science.
Click! is an urban adventure program for middle school girls run by
the Girls, Math Science Partnership. After five days of training, Click!
girls have an all-day Saturday adventure at Carnegie Science Center
that, if successful, will earn them a new status level in the Click!
agency. Click! Level 1: The Click! Level 1 Case is a biomedical
mystery awaits involving one of the Pittsburgh Steelers. Click! Level
2: The Click! Level 2 Case is being piloted this fall with a small
group of willing Click! agents. The Case is an environmental mystery.
National Engineers Week
National Engineers Week includes: Build a Contraption, for students in
grades 9-12; Design a City, for students in grades 7-8; Inspire a Future
Engineer, a field trip opportunity for all grades.
Programs outside Pittsburgh
Girls Adventures in Mathematics, Engineering, and Science
G.A.M.E.S is an annual week long
residency camp at the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, designed
to give academically talented middle school aged girls an opportunity
to explore exciting engineering and scientific fields through
demonstrations, classroom presentations, hands-on activities, and
contacts with women in these technical fields.