Workshop Overview

Workshop Agenda
(with links to abstracts and slides)

Extended Abstract pdf

Workshop Poster pdf

Sue's Home page

Call for participation:

Workshop on Culture and Collaborative Technologies

Susan R. Fussell, Carnegie Mellon University
Qiping Zhang, Long Island University

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and designers with interests in the relationship between culture and the use of collaborative technologies. The workshop will address three challenges for the study of culture and collaborative technology:

  • Developing a conceptual framework
  • Developing suitable methodologies
  • Designing technologies to support multiple cultures and/or to facilitate cross-cultural interaction.

Workshop goals include identifying key areas for future research, specifying design recommendations, fostering new collaborations among researchers interested in culture and, optionally, producing an edited book.

Workshop format: This will be a two-day workshop. On the first day, participants will give 20 minute presentations covering the information in their abstracts. At the end of the day, the group will jointly select specific topics related to the three challenges for in-depth discussion on the second day. At the end of the second day, the group will generate a report of key ideas from our discussion.

Workshop applications: Please e-mail a two-page abstract in PDF to describing your culture-related research objectives, methodology and findings, any methodological challenges you have faced, and any specific tools you have designed. Participants will be selected with the goal of creating a diverse group of researchers representing both behavioral and technological approaches and both quantitative and qualitative research techniques.


January 12 2007 5:00 PM (17:00) PDT: Due date for position papers
February 1 2007: Notification of workshop acceptance or rejection
April 9 2007: Workshop registration deadline

Susan R. Fussell, Research Scientist, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University: footer

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