CMU Science Fiction & Fantasy Society

The Science Fiction & Fantasy Society is an organization of Carnegie-Mellon-affiliated people (the usual: students, staff, faculty) who like to read works of science fiction and/or fantasy. We have "nonfunded recognition" from Student Senate.

we want you

We are looking for interested people like you. We've got members and activities and constitution/bylaws and officers and all that good stuff, but we want MORE of it ALL (except the bylaws; passing them once was more than enough.)

Phase 1 of our Glorious Five Year Plan is complete - we have non-funded recognition. In Phase 2 we must continue to infiltrate the campus. Prepare to be boarded.

when's the next meeting?

The October meeting will be our annual " Durin's Day (Observed)" party, in some large room yet to be determined. That's 6 pm on Tuesday October 10.

The theme for the October meeting is all things Tolkien/Middle-Earth. Bring food if you are a hobbit, a cryptic map if you are a wizard, or an unexpected guest if you are dwarves.


Business meetings, if you can call them that with a straight face, are currently at 6 pm on the Second Tuesday Of Every Month.

Here are some of the things we have done or would like to do. Send email if you have other things you would like to see.

other stuff.

Subscribe to our newsgroup: if you are in Andrew-land, if you are in CS-land. B-board. Newsgroup. Tomato. Whatever.

There is also a mailing list for meeting announcements, so send me email if you want to be on it. Mail sent to the list also goes to the b-board. If you are in CS-land, you will want to be on this list, because propagation on assocs is for some reason very s l o w.

We also have a real live mailing address now although I can't imagine anyone wanting to mail something to us:
Science Fiction & Fantasy Society
Carnegie Mellon University
Box 69, University Center (no, I'm not making this up)
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Other Pittsburgh sf/f clubs:
PARSEC meets monthly at branches of the Carnegie library, usually the one in Squirrel Hill.
Check out Confluence...

Bridget Spitznagel
Last modified: Wed Sep 13 17:53:27 EDT 2000