15-744: Computer Networks Syllabus


There are no official texts for the course. As background, we suggest several texts:


Your final grade for the course will be based on the following weights:

The quizzes will be in-class, one near midterm and one near the end of the semester.

The project in 15-744 is an open-ended research project, done in groups of two. The project requires a proposal, a project status report, and a final report (both written and presented).

There will be a few problem sets assigned during the term that will constitute 25% of your grade. Problem sets will be a mix of theory and hands-on programming assignments. The homework grade also includes participation in the on-line discussion forum


Also available as an ical file that you can subscribe to.

Date Instructor Topics Notes Readings Reviewer
Wed 09/08 SS Intro: History and context and packet switching.
[pdf] [ppt] [Video 1]
Part 1: Internetworking
Fri 09/10 SS Internetworking: Architectural principles, names, addresses
[pdf] [ppt] [Video 1]
Optional papers: CT90,Clark02 Design, Saltzer84 none
Mon 09/13 SS Optional - routing background material review
[pdf] [ppt] [Video 1]
Wed 09/15 qinsiw, boyanl Interdomain Routing
[pdf] [pptx] [pdf2] [Video 1] [Video 2]
Optional reading: Stability,Vantage02,Neil03,Paul88 Gao2000, MITLec4Notes dhenriqu, kbn
Fri 09/17 SS Optional - transport background material review
[pdf] [ppt] [Video 1]
HW1 out none
Mon 09/20 SS No class - travel
Part 2: Resource Management
Wed 09/22 SS No class - travel
Fri 09/24 seunghak, gunheek End-to-End Congestion Control
[pdf] [ppt] [pdf2] [ppt2] [pdf3] [ppt3] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3]
Optional papers: VJ88, BCCA01, CJ89, TCPModeling98. Project proposal due. RED, TFRC aumrani, adahmad
Mon 09/27 aumrani, prashanth Fair Queueing
[pdf] [ppt] [pdf2] [ppt3] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3]
Optional papers: CSFQ, HW1 due, HW2 out WFQ, XCP wangc, amokashi
Wed 09/29 SS No class
Fri 10/01 yangp Multimedia, Quality of Service
[pdf] [ppt] [pdf2] [Video 1] [Video 2]
Optional papers: Video Survey, CSZ92, Clark98, CongestionManager99. She95 kair
Mon 10/04 kbn Router Design
[pdf] [ppt] [pdf2] [pptx2] [Video 1] [Video 2]
Optional reading: D+97 (the "Lulea" algorithm), BV01, EffiCuts KCY03, McK97 gweisz
Part 3: Wireless
Wed 10/06 rmuddulu Wireless Networks overview and architectures
[pdf] [ppt] [pdf2] [pptx2] [Video 1] [Video 2]
Optional: MACAW CSMA, BPSK97 boyanl
Fri 10/08 gweisz Wireless Networks in the real world
[pdf] [ppt] [pptx2] [Video 1] [Video 2]
White Spaces SIGCOMM talk Slides: pptx, Optional reading: Chaotic Roofnet, WhiteSpaces yangp
Mon 10/11 ksohn, amokashi Making the Best of Broadcast
[pdf] [ppt] [ppt2] [ppt3] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3]
Optional: MORE, ExOR slides: ppt, pdf. ExOR, XorsInTheAir dshahaf, ukang
Wed 10/13 SS Quiz 1
Fri 10/15 SS No class - mid-semester break
Part 4: Applications, Naming, and Overlays
Mon 10/18 jmartins Sensor Networks
[pdf] [ppt] [pdf2] [Video 1] [Video 2]
Optional: Trickle, SD TAG, DirectedDiffusion zarko
Wed 10/20 SS No class - travel
Fri 10/22 jinkyuk, adahmad Data center networks
[pdf] [ppt] [pdf2] [ppt3] [Video 1] [Video 2]
Optional: VL2, DCTCP Portland, Incast hdeyoung, seunghak
Mon 10/25 jshun Topology
[pdf] [ppt] [pdf2] [pptx2] [Video 1] [Video 2]
Rocketfuel PowerLaws, HOT ksohn
Wed 10/27 btoninho Overlay Networks 1
[pdf] [ppt] [pdf2] [Video 1] [Video 2]
FIA, RON ActiveNetworks jshun
Fri 10/29 wangc Distributed Hash Tables
[pdf] [ppt] [pdf2] [Video 1] [Video 2]
See also DHT Geometry Comparison paper. DHTSurvey, Chord btoninho
Mon 11/01 kair DNS, Web and P2P
[pdf] [ppt] [pdf2] [Video 1]
Optional: DNSCaching, Coral CDN: CoralNSDI04, Semantic-Free Referencing: SFR, 15-441 notes on p2p BitTyrant, P2P qinsiw, rmuddulu
Wed 11/03 zarko What's in a name? Names, identifiers, and network architecture
[pdf] [ppt] [ppt2] [Video 1] [Video 2]
DOA, i3 soonhok
Fri 11/05 salilj, osheffet Data-oriented networking and DTNs
[pdf] [ppt] [ppt2] [pptx3] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3]
Optional: DOT, DONA, RE CCN, DTN jinkyuk, hyeontaek
Mon 11/08 dhenriqu Multicast
[pdf] [ppt] [pdf2] [Video 1] [Video 2]
SRM, ESM salilj
Part 6: Security
Wed 11/10 soonhok, ukang Security: DDoS and Traceback
[pdf] [ppt] [pdf2] [ppt3] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3]
Optional: Traceback TVA jmartins
Fri 11/12 hyeontaek Trust and Reputation
[pdf] [ppt] [pptx2] [Video 1] [Video 2]
Optional: Credence, Perspectives, Slicing SybilGuard gunheek
Mon 11/15 SS No class - travel
Wed 11/17 dshahaf Privacy
[pdf] [ppt] [pptx2] [Video 1] [Video 2]
Optional: OwningTheInternet, Fingerprinting Infranet, Slyfi osheffet
Fri 11/19 SS Pre-thanksgiving break
Mon 11/22 SS Pre-thanksgiving break
Wed 11/24 SS Thanksgiving break
Fri 11/26 SS Thanksgiving break
Mon 11/29 SS Post-thanksgiving break - work on projects :-)
Wed 12/01 SS Second In-Class Exam
Fri 12/03 SS Poster Session
Sun 12/05 SS Project writeups due

Last updated: Mon Nov 29 20:07:59 EST 2010 [validate xhtml]