15-849, Spring 2007: Hot Topics in Computer Networks

Latest Announcements

1/13: Discussion Site
The class will be using an online discussion forum for most interaction and reading assignments. Please go to this site ASAP. Link is here.
12/29: Enrollment
The class is open to SCS Ph.D. students. Others may be admitted by permission of the instructor. Please attend the first few lectures if you are interested and not yet enrolled

See all announcements


This class is a reading and project-based class examining recent developments in the networking research community. The main activity of the course will be set of about 20 discussion sessions on recent research topics in networking. Each session will focus on a specific topic and will be based on ~3 research papers selected by the instructor. Each student is expected to lead the discussion for 3 sessions.

Course Staff


NameEmailOfficeTelOffice Hours
Srini Seshan WeH 8113 268-8734 Wed noon-1pm

Course Secretary

Barbara Grandillo, , Wean Hall 8018, Tel: 268-7550


Grading will be based on participation, paper presentations, and a semester-long project.

Last updated: Tue Jan 16 13:40:36 EST 2007 [validate xhtml]