- BS in Electrical Engineering 2000-2004
- Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
- MD (year 1 & 2 - basic science curriculum) 2005-2007
- University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
- PhD in Robotics 2007-present
- Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
- MD (year 3 & 4 - clinical curriculum) to be completed
- University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
- (Click here for a detailed description of the MD/PhD program.)
- Hippocampal replay is not a simple function of experience
- Gupta AS, van der Meer MAA, Touretzky DS, Redish AD (2010)
Neuron 65(5):695-705. [Link]
- Previewed by Derdikman D, Moser MB:
- A dual role for hippocampal replay (2010)
Neuron 65(5):582-584. [Link]
- Exploiting the hippocampal phase gradient to learn cognitive maps
- Gupta AS, Redish AD, Touretzky DS (2010)
Society for Neuroscience
- Cognitive influences on sequence replay and construction in the rodent hippocampus
- Gupta AS, van der Meer MAA, Touretzky DS, Redish AD (2009)
Society for Neuroscience
- Team-based method for comparing population activity vectors
- Gupta AS, Redish AD, Touretzky DS (2008)
Society for Neuroscience
- Reconstructing the topologies of hippocampal cognitive maps
- Touretzky DS, Gupta AS, Fuhs MC, Dollar P, Maurer AP, McNaughton BL (2007)
Society for Neuroscience
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