Detail from Cosmographicum poster/program Playwriting

Thom's true passion. (Though his insightful wife Rosie does well to wonder how an activity which Thom does his best to avoid could really be called a passion.)

With a hearty sigh, Thom admits that the best way to spur creativity is to promise the world results and then produce them. In that spirit, and holding in mind a literal interpretation of the "world" in "world-wide web", here's a short list of current projects which Thom pledges to complete this calendar year (1998):

  • Postmodern

    This two-act "comedy of manners" wonders what might happen if a bunch of nowherely-mobile late-twenty-somethings were to begin living according to the sage advice dispensed in Emily Post's classic 1922 book Etiquette. Since it's been in the works since 1993, one might hope that when it finally surfaces it will take the world by storm. (Or at least find the lawyers at Funk & Wagnalls in a generous mood.)
  • Mysterium
    (the extensive rewrite, five years coming)

    Finally deciding to sucuumb to Ollie Hubbard's gentle criticism of the original title (Cosmographicum), it's time to completely upend and rebuild this one. Anyone who witnessed the original 1992 production at Taylor University will be happy to know that the new version will be shorter, be playable by seven people, and will make more sense.
  • A full-length play based on the work of Edward Gordon Craig

    As requested, Ollie. See, it takes Thom five years to really get going on anything.

In addition to the original Cosmographicum script, Taylor has provided full photographic record of the production. This script and some pictures could find their way onto the Web at some point, if anyone is interested. If nothing else, credit for the people involved will eventually be in order.
