TBSim is freely distributable for noncommercial use Please see the copyright for details.
TBSim is used to test robot control systems that use the abstractrobots API. The same control systems can be run on robot hardware with the TBHard application.
For an example of how TBSim can be used, take a look at SoccerBots.
First, ensure your CLASSPATH environment variable points to all the right places. Consult the the "How to Install" section of the TeamBots(tm) page for details.
Now type the command line to start things running:
java TBSim [description file] [width] [height]Here is an example from the SoccerBots demo:
java TBSim robocup.dsc 511 300Or to run, but without graphics (this is faster):
java TBSimNoGraphics robocup.dscThe description file is description of the environment in which the simulated robots will operate. The height and width parameters are the size in pixels of the playing field on your display screen.
Here is an example description file.