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Welcome to the home page for the 15-411 Compiler Design course. Take a look at What's New in our web. These pages are adopted from Peter Lee's pages from last year (but you can't blame him if there are problems!)
This course is on the principles underlying the design of most compilers. Starting with an extremely simple compiler for a trivial language, each homework assignment extends both the compiler and the source language. Each set of extensions builds up on the previous ones, so that by the end of the course each student will have implemented a complete, realistic compiler that translates programs written in a serious programming language into native assembly code (either for processor architecture chosen by the student or for a variant of the DLX machine).
The course topics span a range of topics, from lexical analysis and parsing, to dataflow analysis and optimization, to register allocation and code generation. A significant part of the course is also devoted to general principles for modular software development and object-oriented programming.
The following is a list of recent additions to the course web site.