We must establish a common denominator for comparison of position estimates given measurements. We have pursued a statistical procedure for doing so. Our objective is to maximize the posterior probability of position given the bearings, . Position is discretized in intervals of 30 meters, agreeing with the discretization of Digital Elevation Maps. At first, we must specify a prior density for position, . Currently we use a uniform distributions to signify absence of prior knowledge. Secondly, we must specify the likelihood the bearings (the measurements) given position, . In practice it is difficult to determine the likelihood of a bearing given position; it is appropriate to decompose this expression in terms of the possible interpretations of the bearings:
The final posterior density is proportional to .Experience with the mountain detection system has led to the conclusion that, for fixed pose and correspondences, the errors in measuring bearings are fairly independent:
We assume that when a landmark is visible from , the errors in the bearing follow a Gaussian law. We also measure the height of the mountain associated with the bearing, and assume errors in height follow a Gaussian law. We consider that any error that exceeds 18 degrees is a mistake, that is, if a mountain at 40 degrees is associated to a bearing at 60 degrees, we consider that association a mistake. Mistakes are assumed distributed uniformly on the interval [0, 360] degrees. Every bearing is associated with all mountains within a degrees interval; bearings that are not associated to any mountain are mistakes. Since bearings do not need to be associated to all possible mountains, the summation in expression 1 can be calculated quickly.