Mesh Preprocessing
Usually, meshes in 3-D computer vision come from algorithms and sensors
that measure the real world from a single viewpoint. Consequently, the
sensed surface will be noisy, and surfaces that are not connected in the
real world may be incorrectly connected by mesh generation algorithms.
Mesh Preprocessing is used to remove noise from sensed data and separate
disconnect surfaces. By following the steps below, a raw mesh can be transformed
into a mesh that is amenable to alignment or object recognition. In between
each step the resulting mesh can always be viewed using ivview or some
other VRML browser.
Step 1: Clean the Mesh
The first step in mesh preprocessing is to clean the mesh using the program
CleanMesh. CleanMesh serves two
purposes. First, it reduces the effects of some problems that can occur in
meshes created from laser rangefinders. Sometimes the boundaries of meshes
tend to curl due to the mixed pixel effect. Removing the boundary vertices
usually removes the curl at the expense of removing some good vertices.
Removing long edges is a commonly used heuristic for eliminating the phantom
surfaces that are created when a mesh is triangulated across a range shadow
CleanMesh's second use is to eliminate invalid faces and vertices that
may be present in an input mesh. In a valid mesh, every vertex is the
corner of at least one face, and every edge has one or two adjacent faces.
CleanMesh removes vertices and faces that do not fit these criteria.
Step 2: Smooth the Mesh
Once the mesh is cleaned it should be smoothed with SmoothMesh. SmoothMesh will apply
a low-pass filter to the position of the vertices of the mesh and will
smooth it without shrinking. To increase smoothing, increase the number of
iterations applied to the mesh (-n option). Experimenting with the gains of
the filter (-l and -m options) can be used to improve the performance of the
Step 3: Simplify the Mesh
Note: You may see references to mesh resampling in older papers that
reference the Mesh Toolbox. We found that mesh resampling did not scale
well to very large meshes, and we have replaced this step with mesh
For mesh simplification, we use a program called qslim,
written by Michael Garland. This version of qslim reads and writes files in
smf format. The programs wrltosmf and smftowrl are used
to convert Mesh Toolbox meshes to smf format for simplification and back to
our format afterwards.
For model building, a coarse mesh is used for initial alignment while
a fine mesh is used for surface registration
after coarse alignment and for integration. Therefore, qslim is applied
twice to the smoothed and cleaned mesh to obtain the coarse and fine meshes.
Suppose that we are preprocessing a raw mesh raw.wrl so that we
can use it in model building.
First determine the resolution of the mesh so that it can be used to
set the maximum kept edge length
Suppose that a mesh resolution of 0.5 is reported,
remove all edges that are greater than 4 times the mesh resolution (i.e.,
2.0)and patches with less than 100 vertices
CleanMesh raw.wrl clean.wrl -mps 100 -abs_mel 2.0
Next, smooth the mesh using an average number (25)
of iterations and the default filter gains
SmoothMesh clean.wrl smooth.wrl -n 25
Next, create the fine version of the smoothed mesh.
wrltosmf smooth.wrl smooth.smf
qslim -o fine.smf -B 10 -t 10000 smooth.smf
smftowrl fine.smf fine.wrl
CleanMesh fine.wrl fine.wrl -step -mps 0 -abs_mel 1e8
First, the mesh is converted to smf format. Then we run qslim to simplify
down to 10000 faces. The -B parameter prevents the boundary vertices from
"eroding" during simplification - lower values will allow more motion of the
boundary. The mesh is converted back to wrl format, and CleanMesh is
applied once again, because qslim can introduce invalid vertices and faces.
Finally, we create the coarse mesh by simplifying the fine mesh.
qslim -o coarse.smf -B 10 -t 2000 fine.smf
sfmtowrl coarse.smf coarse.wrl
CleanMesh coarse.wrl coarse.wrl -step -mps 0 -abs_mel 1e8
The end result are two meshes, fine.wrl
for registration and integration, and coarse.wrl for coarse alignment
using spin-images.
Lab is part of the Vision and
Autonomous Systems Center within the Robotics Institute in the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.