mpiconvert - convert a raw pixel file to MPIV0 format


mpiconvert [-nr #] [-nc #] [-fmt {RGB24,RGB15}] [-sector #] input output


mpiconvert converts the raw pixel files produced by mpdvr into MPIV0 files, a file format developed for use in MPI-Video.

The file specified by input should be the raw-pixel file produced by mpdvr and output is the name of the desired MPIV0 file. Several command line switches are available to provide specifications for the input file that cannot be read from the input because the raw files have no header information. The switches are:

-nr #
-nc #
These switches specify the size of images contained in the raw data file. Default is -nr 240 -nc 320.
-fmt string
This specifies the pixel format in the raw file. Values can be RGB24 and RGB15. Default is -fmt RGB15.
-sector #
Specifies the sector size on the drive on which the raw file was created by hammer. This is necessary because the mpdvr uses sector size information to optimize writes to disk. The default value is not likely to change. Default is -sector 512.


mpdvr, MPIV0 format description, mpivmpeg, mpivsgi, video acquisition page, and how-to examples.


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