How to Create an MPEG Movie
from an MPIV0 Video File
This document describes how to make an MPEG movie from an
MPIV0 digital video file.
What You Need
You need:
- An MPIV0 file to be converted
- An SGI workstation in the
Visual Computing Laboratory
of the University of California, San Diego.
- The path environment variable set so that you can execute
the mpeg codec, and
the makempeg shell script. These should all be
in the /local/zizkov6/vsam/bin directory.
Step-by-Step Instructions
- Create a set of ppm images from the MPIV0 file using
mpivtopnm. For example:
mpivtopnm vid.mpiv vid
The above command converts the MPIV0 file, vid.mpiv, to the
set of ppm files named vid.0000.ppm,
vid.0001.ppm, vid.0002.ppm, and so on.
Note that should the MPIV0 happen to be BW8 format, then
mpivtopnm will produce black and white .pgm files that
are not suitable for the
makempeg script in the next step. If you have a BW8 MPIV0
file then convert the .pgm files to .ppm files using
the pgmtoppm converter.
- Use the makempeg shell script to create the mpeg
file. For example:
makempeg -fs 0 -fe 300 -fi 1 -base vid
makempeg has the following command line options.
- -fs #
- The number of the first frame in the sequence
- -fe #
- The number of the last frame in the sequence
- -fi #
- The increment between frame numbers
- -base string
- The base name of the files. The script expects files
named string.????.pgm where the ???? is a zero-padded 4-digit sequence number.
- -ext ext
- Specifies the file extension to use in case the script
cannot figure it out.
The above example produces an MPEG file named vid.mpg that
can be viewed with an MPEG player.
The shell script produces YUV files from the .ppm files, puts them in
/tmp (make sure there is enough room there) and converts the YUV to the
MPEG. Although the YUV files should be deleted automatically, it
doesn't hurt to check to see that they are gone. If the sequence is long you
could easily fill /tmp.
- Delete all of the .ppm and .pgm files to save disk
space. For example
rm vid.????.ppm
The MPEG file creation processes is now complete.
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Jeffrey E. Boyd