mpivtopnm - convert an MPIV0 file to a set of pnm files
mpivtopnm MPIV0_input_file output_base_name
mpivtopnm converts an MPIV0 digital video file into a set of pnmfiles. The first command line argument specifies the name of the input MPIV0 file. The second argument gives the base used to create the names of the output pnm files. Output file names are specified by the C printf format "%s.%04d.ppm" (or "%s.%04d.pgm" for black and white images. The base name goes into the %s slot and the %04d slot indicates the position of an image in the original video sequence. For example, if an MPIV0 file named vid.mpiv contains 10 RGB15 images, and is converted with the command line:then the following images are createdmpivtopnm vid.mpiv vid
vid.0000.ppm vid.0001.ppm vid.0002.ppm vid.0003.ppm vid.0004.ppm vid.0005.ppm vid.0006.ppm vid.0007.ppm vid.0008.ppm vid.0009.ppm
mpivtopnm does not require any command line switches since all the information it needs is in the MPIV0 header. Source code for mpivtopnm is available.
mpdvr, mpiconvert, MPIV0 format description, mpivmpeg, mpivsgi, and how-to examples.
No known bugs.
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