William W. Cohen's Papers: Text Categorization

  1. Zhilin Yang, Bhuwan Dhingra, Ye Yuan, Junjie Hu, William W. Cohen, Ruslan Salakhutdinov (2017): Words or Characters? Fine-grained Gating for Reading Comprehension in ICLR 2017.
  2. Zhilin Yang, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, William W. Cohen (2017): Transfer Learning for Sequence Tagging with Hierarchical Recurrent Networks in ICLR 2017.
  3. Abhinav Maurya, Kenton Murray, Yandong Liu, Chris Dyer, William W. Cohen and Daniel B. Neill (2016): Semantic Scan: Detecting Subtle, Spatially Localized Events in Text Streams in arxiv 1602.04393 (won Yelp Dataset Challenge Grand Prize ).
  4. Bhuwan Dhingra, Zhong Zhou, Dylan Fitzpatrick, Michael Muehl and William W. Cohen (2016): Tweet2Vec: Character-Based Distributed Representations for Social Media in ACL-2016 (short paper).
  5. Bhavana Dalvi and Aditya Mishra and William W. Cohen (2016): Hierarchical Semi-supervised Classification with Incomplete Class Hierarchies in WSDM-2016.
  6. Bhavana Dalvi, Einat Minkov, Partha P. Talukdar, and William W. Cohen (2015): Automatic Gloss Finding for a Knowledge Base using Ontological Constraints in WSDM-2015.
  7. William Yang Wang, Kathryn Mazaitis, and William W. Cohen (2014): Structure Learning via Parameter Learning in CIKM-2014.
  8. Bhavana Dalvi and William W. Cohen (2014): Multi-View Hierarchical Semi-supervised Learning by Optimal Assignment of Sets of Labels to Instances in WSDM-2016.
  9. Tuan-Ahn Hoang and William W. Cohen and Ee-Peng Lim (2014): On Modeling Community Behaviors and Sentiments in Microblogging in SDM-2014.
  10. Partha Pratim Talukdar and William W. Cohen (2014): Scaling Graph-based Semi Supervised Learning to Large Number of Labels Using Count-Min Sketch in AI-Stats 2014.
  11. Ramnath Balasubramanyan and William W. Cohen (2013): Regularization of Latent Variable Models to Obtain Sparsity in SDM-2013.
  12. Mahesh Joshi, Mark Dredze, William Cohen and Carolyn Rose (2012): Multi-Domain Learning: When Do Domains Matter? in EMNLP-CoNLL-2012.
  13. Ramnath Balasubramanyan, William W. Cohen, Doug Pierce, and David P. Redlawsk (2011): What pushes their buttons? Predicting comment polarity from the content of political blog posts in LSM-2011.
  14. Ramnath Balasubramanyan, Vitor Carvalho, and William W. Cohen (2008): CutOnce - Recipient Recommendation and Leak Detection in Action in AAAI-2008 Workshop on Enhanced Messaging.
  15. Einat Minkov, Ramnath Balasubramanyan, and William W. Cohen (2008): Activity-centric Search in Email in AAAI-2008 Workshop on Enhanced Messaging.
  16. Sarah Zelikovitz, William Cohen, and Haym Hirsh (2007): Extending WHIRL with background knowledge for improved text classification in Information Retrieval 10(1) pp 35-67.
  17. Vitor Carvalho and William Cohen (2007): Recommending Recipients in the Enron Corpus in limbo.
  18. Ramesh Nallapati, William Cohen, Susan Ditmore, John Lafferty and Kin Ung (2007): Multiscale Topic Tomography in KDD-2007.
  19. Juchang Hua, Orhan Ayasli, William Cohen and Robert Murphy (2007): Identifying Fluorescence Microscope Images in Online Journal Publications using Both Image and Text Features in ISBI-2007.
  20. Vitor Carvalho and William W. Cohen (2006): Single-Pass Online Learning: Performance, Voting Schemes and Online Feature Selection in KDD-2006 .
  21. Vitor Carvalho and William W. Cohen (2006): Improving Email Speech Act Analysis via N-gram Selection in HLT/NAACL ACTS Workshop 2006.
  22. Edoardo M. Airoldi, William W. Cohen, Stephen Fienberg (2005): Bayesian methods for frequent terms in text: Models of contagion and the Delta square statistic in CSNA-2005.
  23. William W. Cohen, Einat Minkov & Anthony Tomasic (2005): Learning to Understand Web Site Update Requests in IJCAI-2005.
  24. Vitor Carvalho & William W. Cohen (2005): On the Collective Classification of Email Speech Acts in SIGIR 2005.
  25. Carolyn Rose, Pinar Donmez, G. Gweon, A. Knight, B. Junker, W. Cohen, K. Koedinger, N. Hefferman (2005): Automatic and Semi-Automatic Skill Coding with a View Towards Supporting On-Line Assessment in AIED-2005.
  26. William W. Cohen, Vitor Carvalho & Tom Mitchell (2004): Learning to Classify Email into "Speech Acts" in EMNLP 2004.
  27. William W. Cohen (2002): Improving A Page Classifier with Anchor Extraction and Link Analysis in NIPS 2002.
  28. William W. Cohen (2000): Automatically extracting features for concept learning from the Web in ICML 2000: 159-166.
  29. William W. Cohen, Rob Schapire, Yoram Singer (1999): Learning to Order Things in J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 10: 243-270 (1999). (Originally published as: William W. Cohen, Robert E. Schapire, Yoram Singer (1997): Learning to Order Things in NIPS 1997).
  30. William W. Cohen & Yoram Singer (1999): Context-sensitive learning methods for text categorization in ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 17(2): 141-173 (1999). (Originally published as: William W. Cohen and Yoram Singer (1996): Context-sensitive learning methods for text categorization in SIGIR 1996: 307-315).
  31. William W. Cohen & Haym Hirsh (1998): Joins that Generalize: Text Classification Using WHIRL in KDD 1998: 169-173.
  32. William W. Cohen and Daniel Kudenko (1997): Transferring and Retraining Learned Information Filters in AAAI/IAAI 1997: 583-590.
  33. William W. Cohen (1996): Learning Trees and Rules with Set-valued Features in AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 709-716.
  34. William W. Cohen (1996): Learning Rules that Classify E-Mail in AAAI Spring Symposium on ML and IR 1996.
  35. William W. Cohen and Yoram Singer (1996): Learning to Query the Web in AAAI Workshop on Internet-Based Information Access Systems 1996.
  36. William W. Cohen (1995): Learning to Classify English Text with ILP Methods in Advances in ILP, ed. L. de Readt, IOS Press.
  37. William W. Cohen (1995): Fast effective rule induction in ICML 1995: 115-123.
  38. William W. Cohen (1995): Text categorization and relational learning in ICML 1995: 124-132.

[Selected papers| By topic: Deep Learning| Info Extraction/Reading| Topic Modeling| Learning in Graphs| Matching/Data Integration| Text Categorization| Rule Learning| Explanation-Based Learning| Formal Results| Inductive Logic Programming| Collaborative Filtering| Applications| Intelligent Tutoring| GNAT System| By year: All papers]