Class Lexer

  extended byorg.htmlparser.lexer.Lexer
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Lexer
extends java.lang.Object
implements, NodeFactory

This class parses the HTML stream into nodes. There are three major types of nodes (lexemes):

Each time nextNode() is called, another node is returned until the stream is exhausted, and null is returned.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  Cursor mCursor
          The current position on the page.
protected static int mDebugLineTrigger
          Line number to trigger on.
protected  NodeFactory mFactory
          The factory for new nodes.
protected  Page mPage
          The page lexemes are retrieved from.
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new instance of a Lexer.
Lexer(Page page)
          Creates a new instance of a Lexer.
Lexer(java.lang.String text)
          Creates a new instance of a Lexer.
Lexer( connection)
          Creates a new instance of a Lexer.
Method Summary
 Remark createRemarkNode(Page page, int start, int end)
          Create a new remark node.
 Text createStringNode(Page page, int start, int end)
          Create a new string node.
 Tag createTagNode(Page page, int start, int end, java.util.Vector attributes)
          Create a new tag node.
 java.lang.String getCurrentLine()
          Get the current line.
 int getCurrentLineNumber()
          Get the current line number.
 Cursor getCursor()
          Get the current scanning position.
 NodeFactory getNodeFactory()
          Get the current node factory.
 Page getPage()
          Get the page this lexer is working on.
 int getPosition()
          Get the current cursor position.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
          Mainline for command line operation
protected  Node makeRemark(int start, int end)
          Create a remark node based on the current cursor and the one provided.
protected  Node makeString(int start, int end)
          Create a string node based on the current cursor and the one provided.
protected  Node makeTag(int start, int end, java.util.Vector attributes)
          Create a tag node based on the current cursor and the one provided.
 Node nextNode()
          Get the next node from the source.
 Node nextNode(boolean quotesmart)
          Get the next node from the source.
 Node parseCDATA()
          Return CDATA as a text node.
 Node parseCDATA(boolean quotesmart)
          Return CDATA as a text node.
protected  Node parseJsp(int start)
          Parse a java server page node.
protected  Node parseRemark(int start, boolean quotesmart)
          Parse a comment.
protected  Node parseString(int start, boolean quotesmart)
          Parse a string node.
protected  Node parseTag(int start)
          Parse a tag.
 void reset()
          Reset the lexer to start parsing from the beginning again.
protected  void scanJIS(Cursor cursor)
          Advance the cursor through a JIS escape sequence.
 void setCursor(Cursor cursor)
          Set the current scanning position.
 void setNodeFactory(NodeFactory factory)
          Set the current node factory.
 void setPage(Page page)
          Set the page this lexer is working on.
 void setPosition(int position)
          Set the current cursor position.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Page mPage
The page lexemes are retrieved from.


protected Cursor mCursor
The current position on the page.


protected NodeFactory mFactory
The factory for new nodes.


protected static int mDebugLineTrigger
Line number to trigger on. This is tested on each nextNode() call, as a debugging aid. Alter this value and set a breakpoint on the guarded statement. Remember, these line numbers are zero based, while most editors are one based.

See Also:
Constructor Detail


public Lexer()
Creates a new instance of a Lexer.


public Lexer(Page page)
Creates a new instance of a Lexer.

page - The page with HTML text.


public Lexer(java.lang.String text)
Creates a new instance of a Lexer.

text - The text to parse.


public Lexer( connection)
      throws ParserException
Creates a new instance of a Lexer.

connection - The url to parse.
ParserException - If an error occurs opening the connection.
Method Detail


public void reset()
Reset the lexer to start parsing from the beginning again. The underlying components are reset such that the next call to nextNode() will return the first lexeme on the page.


public Page getPage()
Get the page this lexer is working on.

The page that nodes are being read from.


public void setPage(Page page)
Set the page this lexer is working on.

page - The page that nodes will be read from.


public Cursor getCursor()
Get the current scanning position.

The lexer's cursor position.


public void setCursor(Cursor cursor)
Set the current scanning position.

cursor - The lexer's new cursor position.


public NodeFactory getNodeFactory()
Get the current node factory.

The lexer's node factory.


public void setNodeFactory(NodeFactory factory)
Set the current node factory.

factory - The node factory to be used by the lexer.


public int getPosition()
Get the current cursor position.

The current character offset into the source.


public void setPosition(int position)
Set the current cursor position.

position - The new character offset into the source.


public int getCurrentLineNumber()
Get the current line number.

The line number the lexer's working on.


public java.lang.String getCurrentLine()
Get the current line.

The string the lexer's working on.


public Node nextNode()
              throws ParserException
Get the next node from the source.

A Remark, Text or Tag, or null if no more lexemes are present.
ParserException - If there is a problem with the underlying page.


public Node nextNode(boolean quotesmart)
              throws ParserException
Get the next node from the source.

quotesmart - If true, strings ignore quoted contents.
A Remark, Text or Tag, or null if no more lexemes are present.
ParserException - If there is a problem with the underlying page.


protected void scanJIS(Cursor cursor)
                throws ParserException
Advance the cursor through a JIS escape sequence.

cursor - A cursor positioned within the escape sequence.
ParserException - If a problem occurs reading from the source.


protected Node parseString(int start,
                           boolean quotesmart)
                    throws ParserException
Parse a string node. Scan characters until "</", "<%", "<!" or < followed by a letter is encountered, or the input stream is exhausted, in which case null is returned.

start - The position at which to start scanning.
quotesmart - If true, strings ignore quoted contents.
The parsed node.
ParserException - If a problem occurs reading from the source.


protected Node makeString(int start,
                          int end)
                   throws ParserException
Create a string node based on the current cursor and the one provided.

start - The starting point of the node.
end - The ending point of the node.
The new Text node.
ParserException - If the nodefactory creation of the text node fails.


protected Node parseTag(int start)
                 throws ParserException
Parse a tag. Parse the name and attributes from a start tag.

From the HTML 4.01 Specification, W3C Recommendation 24 December 1999

3.2.2 Attributes

Elements may have associated properties, called attributes, which may have values (by default, or set by authors or scripts). Attribute/value pairs appear before the final ">" of an element's start tag. Any number of (legal) attribute value pairs, separated by spaces, may appear in an element's start tag. They may appear in any order.

In this example, the id attribute is set for an H1 element: <H1 id="section1"> This is an identified heading thanks to the id attribute </H1> By default, SGML requires that all attribute values be delimited using either double quotation marks (ASCII decimal 34) or single quotation marks (ASCII decimal 39). Single quote marks can be included within the attribute value when the value is delimited by double quote marks, and vice versa. Authors may also use numeric character references to represent double quotes (&#34;) and single quotes (&#39;). For doublequotes authors can also use the character entity reference &quot;.

In certain cases, authors may specify the value of an attribute without any quotation marks. The attribute value may only contain letters (a-z and A-Z), digits (0-9), hyphens (ASCII decimal 45), periods (ASCII decimal 46), underscores (ASCII decimal 95), and colons (ASCII decimal 58). We recommend using quotation marks even when it is possible to eliminate them.

Attribute names are always case-insensitive.

Attribute values are generally case-insensitive. The definition of each attribute in the reference manual indicates whether its value is case-insensitive.

All the attributes defined by this specification are listed in the attribute index.

This method uses a state machine with the following states:

  1. state 0 - outside of any attribute
  2. state 1 - within attributre name
  3. state 2 - equals hit
  4. state 3 - within naked attribute value.
  5. state 4 - within single quoted attribute value
  6. state 5 - within double quoted attribute value
  7. state 6 - whitespaces after attribute name could lead to state 2 (=)or state 0

The starting point for the various components is stored in an array of integers that match the initiation point for the states one-for-one, i.e. bookmarks[0] is where state 0 began, bookmarks[1] is where state 1 began, etc. Attributes are stored in a Vector having one slot for each whitespace or attribute/value pair. The first slot is for attribute name (kind of like a standalone attribute).

start - The position at which to start scanning.
The parsed tag.
ParserException - If a problem occurs reading from the source.


protected Node makeTag(int start,
                       int end,
                       java.util.Vector attributes)
                throws ParserException
Create a tag node based on the current cursor and the one provided.

start - The starting point of the node.
end - The ending point of the node.
attributes - The attributes parsed from the tag.
The new Tag node.
ParserException - If the nodefactory creation of the tag node fails.


protected Node parseRemark(int start,
                           boolean quotesmart)
                    throws ParserException
Parse a comment. Parse a remark markup.

From the HTML 4.01 Specification, W3C Recommendation 24 December 1999


HTML comments have the following syntax:

<!-- this is a comment -->

<!-- and so is this one,

which occupies more than one line -->

White space is not permitted between the markup declaration open delimiter("<!") and the comment open delimiter ("--"), but is permitted between the comment close delimiter ("--") and the markup declaration close delimiter (">"). A common error is to include a string of hyphens ("---") within a comment. Authors should avoid putting two or more adjacent hyphens inside comments. Information that appears between comments has no special meaning (e.g., character references are not interpreted as such). Note that comments are markup.

This method uses a state machine with the following states:

  1. state 0 - prior to the first open delimiter
  2. state 1 - prior to the second open delimiter
  3. state 2 - prior to the first closing delimiter
  4. state 3 - prior to the second closing delimiter
  5. state 4 - prior to the terminating >

All comment text (everything excluding the < and >), is included in the remark text. We allow terminators like --!> even though this isn't part of the spec.

start - The position at which to start scanning.
quotesmart - If true, strings ignore quoted contents.
The parsed node.
ParserException - If a problem occurs reading from the source.


protected Node makeRemark(int start,
                          int end)
                   throws ParserException
Create a remark node based on the current cursor and the one provided.

start - The starting point of the node.
end - The ending point of the node.
The new Remark node.
ParserException - If the nodefactory creation of the remark node fails.


protected Node parseJsp(int start)
                 throws ParserException
Parse a java server page node. Scan characters until "%>" is encountered, or the input stream is exhausted, in which case null is returned.

start - The position at which to start scanning.
The parsed node.
ParserException - If a problem occurs reading from the source.


public Node parseCDATA()
                throws ParserException
Return CDATA as a text node. According to appendix B.3.2 Specifying non-HTML data of the HTML 4.01 Specification:
Element content
When script or style data is the content of an element (SCRIPT and STYLE), the data begins immediately after the element start tag and ends at the first ETAGO ("</") delimiter followed by a name start character ([a-zA-Z]); note that this may not be the element's end tag. Authors should therefore escape "</" within the content. Escape mechanisms are specific to each scripting or style sheet language.

The TextNode of the CDATA or null if none.
ParserException - If a problem occurs reading from the source.


public Node parseCDATA(boolean quotesmart)
                throws ParserException
Return CDATA as a text node. Slightly less rigid than parseCDATA() this method provides for parsing CDATA that may contain quoted strings that have embedded ETAGO ("</") delimiters and skips single and multiline comments.

quotesmart - If true the strict definition of CDATA is extended to allow for single or double quoted ETAGO ("</") sequences.
The TextNode of the CDATA or null if none.
ParserException - If a problem occurs reading from the source.
See Also:


public Text createStringNode(Page page,
                             int start,
                             int end)
Create a new string node.

Specified by:
createStringNode in interface NodeFactory
page - The page the node is on.
start - The beginning position of the string.
end - The ending positiong of the string.
The created Text node.


public Remark createRemarkNode(Page page,
                               int start,
                               int end)
Create a new remark node.

Specified by:
createRemarkNode in interface NodeFactory
page - The page the node is on.
start - The beginning position of the remark.
end - The ending positiong of the remark.
The created Remark node.


public Tag createTagNode(Page page,
                         int start,
                         int end,
                         java.util.Vector attributes)
Create a new tag node. Note that the attributes vector contains at least one element, which is the tag name (standalone attribute) at position zero. This can be used to decide which type of node to create, or gate other processing that may be appropriate.

Specified by:
createTagNode in interface NodeFactory
page - The page the node is on.
start - The beginning position of the tag.
end - The ending positiong of the tag.
attributes - The attributes contained in this tag.
The created Tag node.


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
Mainline for command line operation

args - [0] The URL to parse.
Throws: - If the provided URL cannot be resolved.
ParserException - If the parse fails.