
Dr. Wanda Dann

Associate Professor

Carnegie Mellon University
School of Computer Science
5000 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Office: Newell-Simon Hall 3523
Phone: (412) 268-9959
Email: wpdann@andrew.cmu.edu


  • Dann, W., Cooper, S., and Pausch, R., Learning to Program with Alice, 1st Ed. July 2006, Prentice Hall.
  • Dann, W., Cooper, S., and Pausch, R., Learning to Program with Alice, Brief Ed., July 2007, Prentice Hall.
  • Dann, W., Cooper, S., and Pausch, R., Learning to Program with Alice, 2nd Ed. July 2008, Prentice Hall.

Papers and Journal Articles

  • Hutchinson, A., Moskal, B., Dann, W., Cooper, S., & Navidi, W. (to appear in 2008). "The Alice curricular approach: A community college intervention in introductory programming courses." Innovations 2008: International Network for Engineering Education Research.
  • Hutchinson, A., Moskal, B., Dann, W. & Cooper, S. (2008). "Impact of the Alice curriculum on community college students' attitudes and learning with respect to computer science." Proceedings of the annual meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Moskal, B., Behrens, N., Guzdial, M., Tew, A., Dann, W. & Cooper, S. (2007) "Computer Science Assessment Instrument Development: Evaluating Attitudes and Outcomes." Proceedings of the National STEM Assessment Conference, Washington DC (2006), pp. 194-201.
  • Dean, A., Moskal, B., Cooper, S., & Dann, W., "Using Alice software in middle schools." Presentation at MAA-AMS Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Antonio, TX, (Jan. 2006).
  • Cooper, S., Dann, W., Dragon, T., Dietzler, K., Ryan, K., and Pausch, R. "Objects: visualization of behavior and state." ITiCSE 2003, Thessaloniki, Greece, June, 2003.
  • Cooper, S., Dann, W., and Pausch, R. "Teaching Objects-First in Introductory Computer Science." Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education, Reno, NV, February, 2003.
  • Cooper, S., Dann, W., and Pausch, R. "Using Animated 3D Graphics to Prepare Novices for CS1." Accepted for special issue in graphics, visualization and geometric computing in Computer Science Education.
  • Dann, W., Cooper, S. and Pausch, R. "Using 3D Interactive Animation to Provide Program Visualization as a Gentle Introduction to Programming in Preparing Students for CS1." Visualization Workshop June, 2002.
  • Dann, W., Cooper, S., and Pausch, R., "Using Visualization to Teach Novices Recursion" in Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Canterbury, England, June 25- 27, 2001.
  • Cooper, S., Dann, W., and Pausch, R., "Alice: A 3-D Tool For Introductory Programming Concepts" in Proceedings of 5th Annual CCSC Northeastern Conference 2000, Ramapo, NJ, April 28-29, 2000.
  • Cooper, S., Dann, W., and Pausch, R., "Developing Algorithmic Thinking with Alice" in Proceedings of ISECON 2000, Philadelphia, PA, Nov. 9 - 12, 2000.
  • Dann, W., Cooper, S., and Pausch, R., "Making the Connection: Programming With Animated Small Worlds" in Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Helsinki, Finland, July 11-13, 2000.
  • Dann, Wanda and Woodworth, Pat, Integrating Console and Event-Driven Models in CS1, SIGCSE Bulletin, ACM Press, March 1999.
  • Grissom, Scott, Deborah Knox, Elana Cooperman, Wanda Dann, Michael Goldweber, Janet Hartman, Marja Kuittinen, David Mutchler, and Nick Parlante, Developing a Digital Library of Computer Science Teaching Resources, SIGCSE Bulletin, ACM Press, December, 1998.