Wittawat Tantisiriroj
Undergraduate Student
Current Address:
2021 Ivy Road Apt. A6
Charlottesville, VA, 22903

New Location:

Fall 2003
- APMA 212 Multivariate Calculus (Ira Herbst)
- CS 201 Software Development Methods (Kevin Sullivan)
- CS 202 Discrete Math I (Christopher Milner)
- ENGR 162 Intro To Engineering Workshop (Peter Massarelli)
- TCC 100 Language Communication in the Technological Society (Catherine Baritaud)
Spring 2004
- APMA 308 Linear Algebra (Kevin Mccrimmon)
- APMA 310 Probability (Loren Pitt)
- CS 216 Program and Data Representation (Ruth Anderson)
- CS 230 Digital Logic Design (Mircea Stan)
- CS 302 Discrete Math II (Christopher Milner)
- TCC 101 Language Communication in the Technological Society (Catherine Baritaud)
Fall 2004
- CS 333 Computer Architecture (Christopher Milner)
- CS 432 Algorithms (Thomas Horton)
- ECON 201 Principles Of Economics (Kenneth Elzinga)
- MATH 331 Basic Real Analysis (Loren Pitt)
- MATH 354 Survey Of Algebra (Aaron Phillips)
- PHYS 241W General Physics II Workshop (Rick Marshall)
Spring 2005
- APMA 213 Ordinary Differentl Equations (Bernard Fulgham)
- CS 340 Advanced Software Development (John Knight)
- CS 390 Computer Science Seminar I (Tarek Abdelzaher)
- CS 414 Operating Systems (Kevin Skadron)
- CS 458 Internet Engineering (Jorg Liebeherr)
- ECON 202 Principles Of Economics (Lee Coppock)
Fall 2005
- CS 457 Computer Networks (Malathi Veeraraghavan)
- ECE 203 Introductory Circuit Analysis (Michael Reed)
- ECE 435 Computer Organization and Design (Ronald Williams)
- MATH 551 Advanced Linear Algebra (Kevin Mccrimmon)
- STS 200 Intellectual Property (Bryan Pfaffenberger)
Spring 2006
- CS 656 Operating Systems (Andrew Grimshaw)
- ECE 204 Electronics I (Travis Blalock)
- ECE 436 Advanced Digital Design (Mircea Stan)
- ECON 301 Intermediate Microeconomics (Sheri Aggarwal)
- PHYS 142W General Physics I Workshop (Rick Marshall)
Fall 2006
- CS 451 Wireless Sensor Networks (John Stankovic)
- CS 660 Computation Theory (Greg Humphreys)
- ECE 323 Signals and Systems I (Yibin Zheng)
- STS 401 Western Technology and Culture (Peter Norton)
Spring 2007
- CS 415 Programming Languages (Westley Weimer)
- CS 462 Databases (Sang Son)
- CS 661 Algorithms (Gabriel Robins)
- STS 402 The Engineer, Ethics, and Society (Peter Norton)