Neurosymbolic hybrid systems
Parallel computing
Cognitive modelling
Electronic commerce
Thesis + tech reports

Neurosymbolic hybrid systems

M. Hilario, Y. Lallement, and F. Alexandre. Neurosymbolic integration: Unified versus hybrid approaches. In The European Symposium On Artificial Neural Networks, Brussels, Belgium, 1995. Compressed postscript.

Y. Lallement, M. Hilario and F. Alexandre. Neurosymbolic Integration: Cognitive Grounds and Computational Strategies. In M. DeGlas and Z. Pawlak, editors, World Conference on the Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, Paris, France, 1995. Compressed postscript.

Y. Lallement and F. Alexandre. Cognitive Aspects of Neurosymbolic Integration. Chapter 4 of R. Sun and F. Alexandre, Connectionist-Symbolic Integration: From Unified to Hybrid Approaches. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1997. Compressed postscript.

Y. Lallement and F. Alexandre. A Fuzzy-Logic and Multi-Layer Perceptron Hybrid Model Applied to a Real World Steel-Making Problem. In N. Giambiasi and C. Touzet editors, Fourth International Conference on Neural Networks and their Applications, Marseilles, France, 1998. Compressed postscript.

Parallel computing

Y. Lallement and T. Cornu and S. Vialle. An abstract machine for implementing connectionnist and hybrid systems on multi-processor architectures. In V. Kumar, H. Kitano and C.B. Suttner, editors, Parallel Processing for Artificial Intelligence 2, Machine Intelligence and Pattern Recognition. Elsevier Science Publisher, 1993. Compressed postscript.

S. Vialle, Y. Lallement and Th. Cornu. ParCeL-1: a parallel programming language based on autonomous agents for connectionist and AI applications, 1st International workshop on neuro-fuzzy systems, Lausanne, Switzerland, Aug. 1996.

Y. Lallement, Th. Cornu and S. Vialle. Application development under ParCeL-1. In H. Kitano, C. Suttner and J. Geller editors, Parallel Processing for Artificial Intelligence 3, Machine Intelligence and Pattern Recognition. Elsevier Science Publisher, 1997. Compressed postscript.

S. Vialle, Th. Cornu and Y. Lallement. ParCeL-1: a parallel programming language based on autonomous and synchronous actors. ACM Sigplan Notice 31(8): 43-51, August 1996. Compressed postscript.

N. Pican and Y. Lallement. The OWE artificial neural network and its parallel implementation. Calculateurs paralleles Vol. 10, n. 2, Hermes (Paris) 1998. Compressed postscript.

S. Vialle, Y. Lallement and Th. Cornu. Design and implementation of a parallel cellular language for MIMD architectures. Computer Languages, 24/3, December 1998. Compressed postscript.

Cognitive modelling

B. John and Y. Lallement. Strategy use while learning to perform the Kanfer-Ackerman Air Traffic Controller task. In M. Shafto and P. Langley editors, Nineteenth annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Stanford University, 1997. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Postscript.

Y. Lallement. A hierarchical ensemble of decision trees applied to classifying data from a psychological experiment. Eleventh International FLAIRS conference, Sanibel Island, Florida. AAAI Press, 1998. Compressed postscript.

Y. Lallement and B. E. John. Cognitive architecture and modeling idiom: an examination of three models of the Wickens's task. Twentieth annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Madison, Wisconsin, August 1998. Postscript.

B. E. John and Y. Lallement. A Demonstration of Integrative Modeling of a Complex Dynamic Computer-Based Task. AAAI Fall Symposium: Simulating Human Agents. AAAI Press, 2000.

Electronic commerce

Y. Lallement and M. S. Fox. IntelliServe: Automating Customer Service. Artificial Intelligence for Electronic Commerce AAAI workshop. AAAI Press, 1999.

Y. Lallement and M. S. Fox. Interact: a staged approach to customer service automation. Advances in artificial intelligence: AI 2000 , Montreal, Canada. Lecture notes in artificial intelligence 1822, Springer, 2000.

M. Barbuceanu, M. S. Fox, L. Hong, Y. Lallement, and Z. Zhang. Building Agents for the Customer Service Front. Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence 2003, Acapulco, Mexico.

Thesis + tech reports

Y. Lallement. Integration neuro-symbolique et intelligence artificielle, applications et implantation parallele. These de doctorat de l'universite Henri Poincarre Nancy I, 1996. Compressed postscript.

Y. Lallement. Introduction a lisp. Technical Report 92-E-273, Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Nancy, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France, 1992.

S. Vialle, T. Cornu and Y. Lallement. ParCeL-1, user's guide and reference manual. Technical report R-10, Supelec Metz campus, 2 rue Edouard Belin, F-57078 Metz Cedex 3, November 1994. Compressed postscript