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Learning to communicate more efficiently in human-agent teams
Yuqing Tang, David C. Emele, Timothy J. Norman, and Simon Parsons. Learning to communicate more efficiently in human-agent teams. In Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of the ITA, Imperial College, London, 2010.
@INPROCEEDINGS{tang10learningtocommunicate, author = {Yuqing Tang and David C. Emele and Timothy J. Norman and Simon Parsons}, title = {Learning to communicate more efficiently in human-agent teams}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of the ITA}, year = {2010}, address = {Imperial College, London}, b2h_pubtype = {Refereed Conference}, b2h_rescat = {Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems}, owner = {tang}, timestamp = {2010.08.10} }