16-311 Introduction to Robotics
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16-311 Labs

The following links will take you to information on each of the labs. Note that these pages will be updated throughout the semester.

Read the philosophy behind the labs to find out more about the labs in general.

A little basic RobotC documentation for your convenience.

TA lab hours TBD

NOTE: You can view labs before they are assigned, but they are subject to change.

Lead TAs
Lab 1 : Rube Goldberg Machine Atulya Ravishankar
Sam Speer
Cindy Deng
Lab 2 : Vision Ian Lo
Elias Lu
Ruohai Ge
Lab 3 : Line Following and Odometry David Neiman
Katie Lam
Lab 4 : Controls
Ian Lo
Sam Speer
Lab 5 : Path Planning Atulya Ravishankar
Jiaqi Zou
Lab 6 : Localization Hans Kumar
David Neiman
Lab 7 : Remote Control (USAR) Zack Masciopinto
Abha Agrawal
Jarret Liang
Wendy Summer
Lab 8 : Wheel Free Diya Nuxoll
Katie Lam
Lab 9 : Inverse Kinematics Elias Lu
Andrea Sipos
Lab 10 : Student-Defined Lab TBD: Maybe you?

Previous student defined labs


NXT Labs

Robot Sumo 2018
Basketball 2017
Fork Lift 2016
April Tag Tag 2015
Robot Shootout 2014
Stairmaster 2013
Robot Sumo 2012
RoboPong 2011
Gold Mine 2010
Robot Exchange 2009

Handyboard Labs

Football Challenge 2007
RoboJoust 2006
Robot Sort 2005
Poison Ball 2004

Video Demos

Student Defined Lab 2011: RoboPong:

Additional Information:

Last updated 4/17/2018 by Hannah Lyness
(c) 1999-2018: Howie Choset, Carnegie Mellon