46-927 Introduction to AI
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, 46-927, Fall Mini #2 1997
Dr. Jill Fain Lehman
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
The purpose of this course is to broaden understanding of
computational problems and their solutions. Many sorts of problems
have well-understood, easily-specified solutions -- a program either
solves the problem or it does not. We will continue to explore the
properties of such programs by expanding the base of fundamental data
structures, algorithms and their uses introduced in the C++ and JAVA
mini courses. At the same time, however, we introduce the large class
of problems for which we cannot write programs that are guaranteed to
find the correct, or even the best solution. Artificial Intelligence
(AI) is the area of computer science concerned with developing
representations and techniques for finding heuristic solutions
to such problems. By exploring the basic data structures in both
algorithmic and heuristic settings, we can better understand the gap
between what we want computers to do and what we can make them do
given realistic constraints on space and time.
Time and Place: Thurs 5:30-8:30, FastLab, GSIA
Jill Fain Lehman (jef@cs.cmu.edu), Doherty Hall 4304, x8-6246
Teaching Assistant:
Jeffrey Stephenson (jeffreys@andrew.cmu.edu),
Office hours: Sunday 10:00-noon, FASTLab
Administrative Help:
Pittsburgh: Elizabeth Kelly (eb1k+@andrew.cmu.edu), GSIA 129, 412-268-7358
New York: Yuvelin Tejeda (tejeda+@andrew.cmu.edu), 212-603-3899
There are no required texts for this class. If you wish to read
further on topics covered then, depending on the topic, of course,
almost any introductory AI, data structures or computational theory
text will do. Here are three that you may find useful:
- Artificial Intelligence by Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight
- Data Structures, Algorithms, & Software Principles in C by Thomas Standish
- Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation by John Hopcroft and Jeffrey Ullman
Will be based on homeworks (75%) and a final (25%).
Note: you must pass the final to pass the course.
Final Grade Distribution and Explanation
Policy on homework:
- There will be a weekly programming assignment.
- Homework is due at 5:00 the Thursday after it is assigned
(i.e. you have from the end of one class to the beginning of the next
to hand in your assignment). There are no exceptions.
- Assignments should be submitted via ftp to the handin folder
located at /afs/andrew.cmu.edu/course/46/927/handin. Within this
folder there will be a folder for each student named the student's
user id. Your completed assignment should run as handed in.
- You may miss one assignment without any penalty. If you choose
not to do an assignment you are still responsible for understanding
the published solution.
- For each assignment you will be randomly assigned to a study
team. Discussion of the solution is permitted only with your
team, the teacher, and the TA. If you work as a team you should turn
in one group solution, clearly marked as such. If you decide to work
on your own, you should turn in your own solution, clearly
marked. There is no penalty for either style of work, but discussion
outside your team will be considered cheating.
Homework Assignments:
- Assignment #1 (Due 5:00 PM,
October 30, 1997)
- Assignment #2 (Due 5:00 PM,
November 6, 1997)
- Assignment #3 (Due 6:45 PM,
November 13, 1997)
- Assignment #4 (Due 6:45 PM,
November 20, 1997)
- Assignment #5 (Due 6:45 PM,
December 4, 1997)
- Assignment #6 (Due 6:45 PM,
December 15, 1997)