Uses of Class

Packages that use Page
org.htmlparser The basic API classes which will be used by most developers when working with the HTML Parser. 
org.htmlparser.lexer The lexer package is the base level I/O subsystem. 
org.htmlparser.nodeDecorators The nodeDecorators package contains classes that use the Decorator pattern. 
org.htmlparser.nodes The nodes package has the concrete node implementations. 
org.htmlparser.scanners The scanners package contains classes responsible for the tertiary identification of tags. 

Uses of Page in org.htmlparser

Methods in org.htmlparser that return Page
 Page Node.getPage()
          Get the page this node came from.

Methods in org.htmlparser with parameters of type Page
 void Node.setPage(Page page)
          Set the page this node came from.
 Text NodeFactory.createStringNode(Page page, int start, int end)
          Create a new text node.
 Remark NodeFactory.createRemarkNode(Page page, int start, int end)
          Create a new remark node.
 Tag NodeFactory.createTagNode(Page page, int start, int end, java.util.Vector attributes)
          Create a new tag node.
 Text PrototypicalNodeFactory.createStringNode(Page page, int start, int end)
          Create a new string node.
 Remark PrototypicalNodeFactory.createRemarkNode(Page page, int start, int end)
          Create a new remark node.
 Tag PrototypicalNodeFactory.createTagNode(Page page, int start, int end, java.util.Vector attributes)
          Create a new tag node.
 Text StringNodeFactory.createStringNode(Page page, int start, int end)
          Deprecated. Create a new string node.

Uses of Page in org.htmlparser.lexer

Fields in org.htmlparser.lexer declared as Page
protected  Page Cursor.mPage
          This cursor's page.
protected  Page Lexer.mPage
          The page lexemes are retrieved from.
protected  Page PageAttribute.mPage
          The page this attribute is extracted from.
protected  Page PageIndex.mPage
          The page associated with this index.

Methods in org.htmlparser.lexer that return Page
 Page Cursor.getPage()
          Get this cursor's page.
 Page Lexer.getPage()
          Get the page this lexer is working on.
 Page PageAttribute.getPage()
          Get the page this attribute is anchored to, if any.
 Page PageIndex.getPage()
          Get this index's page.

Methods in org.htmlparser.lexer with parameters of type Page
 void Lexer.setPage(Page page)
          Set the page this lexer is working on.
 Text Lexer.createStringNode(Page page, int start, int end)
          Create a new string node.
 Remark Lexer.createRemarkNode(Page page, int start, int end)
          Create a new remark node.
 Tag Lexer.createTagNode(Page page, int start, int end, java.util.Vector attributes)
          Create a new tag node.
 void PageAttribute.setPage(Page page)
          Set the page this attribute is anchored to.

Constructors in org.htmlparser.lexer with parameters of type Page
Cursor(Page page, int offset)
          Construct a Cursor from the page and position given.
Lexer(Page page)
          Creates a new instance of a Lexer.
PageAttribute(Page page, int name_start, int name_end, int value_start, int value_end, char quote)
          Create an attribute.
PageIndex(Page page)
          Create an empty index.
PageIndex(Page page, int cursor)
          Create an index with the one element given.
PageIndex(Page page, int[] cursors)
          Create an index with the elements given.

Uses of Page in org.htmlparser.nodeDecorators

Methods in org.htmlparser.nodeDecorators that return Page
 Page AbstractNodeDecorator.getPage()
          Deprecated. Get the page this node came from.

Methods in org.htmlparser.nodeDecorators with parameters of type Page
 void AbstractNodeDecorator.setPage(Page page)
          Deprecated. Set the page this node came from.

Uses of Page in org.htmlparser.nodes

Fields in org.htmlparser.nodes declared as Page
protected  Page AbstractNode.mPage
          The page this node came from.

Methods in org.htmlparser.nodes that return Page
 Page AbstractNode.getPage()
          Get the page this node came from.

Methods in org.htmlparser.nodes with parameters of type Page
 void AbstractNode.setPage(Page page)
          Set the page this node came from.

Constructors in org.htmlparser.nodes with parameters of type Page
AbstractNode(Page page, int start, int end)
          Create an abstract node with the page positions given.
RemarkNode(Page page, int start, int end)
          Constructor takes in the page and beginning and ending posns.
TagNode(Page page, int start, int end, java.util.Vector attributes)
          Create a tag with the location and attributes provided
TextNode(Page page, int start, int end)
          Constructor takes in the page and beginning and ending posns.

Uses of Page in org.htmlparser.scanners

Methods in org.htmlparser.scanners with parameters of type Page
protected  Tag CompositeTagScanner.createVirtualEndTag(Tag tag, Lexer lexer, Page page, int position)
          Creates an end tag with the same name as the given tag.
static java.lang.String ScriptDecoder.Decode(Page page, Cursor cursor)
          Decode script encoded by the Microsoft obfuscator.

Uses of Page in org.htmlparser.tests.lexerTests

Fields in org.htmlparser.tests.lexerTests declared as Page
static Page PageTests.mPage
          Page for absolute URL tests.