Package org.htmlparser.sax

The sax package implements a SAX (Simple API for XML) parser for HTML.


Class Summary
Attributes Provides access to the tag attributes.
Feedback Mediates between the feedback mechanism of the htmlparser and an error handler.
Locator Transforms character offsets into line and column in the HTML file.
XMLReader SAX parser.

Package org.htmlparser.sax Description

The sax package implements a SAX (Simple API for XML) parser for HTML. It uses the SAX 2 interfaces available from the sax project.
The HTML parser sax package is currently in it's infancy and just exposes the DOM Parser via a SAX interface. The driver name is "org.htmlparser.sax.XMLReader" and a simplistic test program is available in the org.htmlparser.tests package as
Some major pieces are missing, like namespace support (HTML files won't generally have much in the way of namespaces), attribute type info, resolvers and DTD handlers, among many other things.