Class Translate

  extended byorg.htmlparser.util.Translate

public class Translate
extends java.lang.Object

Translate numeric character references and character entity references to unicode characters. Based on tables found at

Typical usage:

      String s = Translate.decode (getTextFromHtmlPage ());
      String s = "<HTML>" + Translate.encode (getArbitraryText ()) + "</HTML>";

Field Summary
protected static int BREAKPOINT
          The dividing point between a simple table lookup and a binary search.
static boolean DECODE_LINE_BY_LINE
          If this member is set true, decoding of streams is done line by line in order to reduce the maximum memory required.
          If this member is set true, encoding of numeric character references uses hexadecimal digits, i.e.
protected static CharacterReference[] mCharacterList
          List of references sorted by character.
protected static CharacterReference[] mCharacterReferences
          Table mapping entity reference kernel to character.
Method Summary
static char convertToChar(java.lang.String string)
          Deprecated. Use decode.
static char convertToChar(java.lang.String string, int start, int end)
          Deprecated. Use decode.
static java.lang.String convertToString(int character)
          Deprecated. Use encode.
static void decode( in, out)
          Decode a stream containing references.
static java.lang.String decode(java.lang.String string)
          Decode a string containing references.
static java.lang.String decode(java.lang.StringBuffer buffer)
          Decode the characters in a string buffer containing references.
static void encode( in, out)
          Encode a stream to use references.
static java.lang.String encode(int character)
          Convert a character to a numeric character reference.
static java.lang.String encode(java.lang.String string)
          Encode a string to use references.
static CharacterReference lookup(char character)
          Look up a reference by character.
protected static CharacterReference lookup(CharacterReference key)
          Look up a reference by kernel.
protected static int lookup(CharacterReference[] array, char ref, int lo, int hi)
          Binary search for a reference.
static CharacterReference lookup(java.lang.String kernel, int start, int end)
          Look up a reference by kernel.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
          Numeric character reference and character entity reference to unicode codec.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static boolean DECODE_LINE_BY_LINE
If this member is set true, decoding of streams is done line by line in order to reduce the maximum memory required.


public static boolean ENCODE_HEXADECIMAL
If this member is set true, encoding of numeric character references uses hexadecimal digits, i.e. &#x25CB;, instead of decimal digits.


protected static final CharacterReference[] mCharacterReferences
Table mapping entity reference kernel to character. This is sorted by kernel when the class is loaded.


protected static final int BREAKPOINT
The dividing point between a simple table lookup and a binary search. Characters below the break point are stored in a sparse array allowing direct index lookup.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final CharacterReference[] mCharacterList
List of references sorted by character. The first part of this array, up to BREAKPOINT is stored in a direct translational table, indexing into the table with a character yields the reference. The second part is dense and sorted by character, suitable for binary lookup.

Method Detail


protected static int lookup(CharacterReference[] array,
                            char ref,
                            int lo,
                            int hi)
Binary search for a reference.

array - The array of CharacterReference objects.
ref - The character to search for.
lo - The lower index within which to look.
hi - The upper index within which to look.
The index at which reference was found or is to be inserted.


public static CharacterReference lookup(char character)
Look up a reference by character. Use a combination of direct table lookup and binary search to find the reference corresponding to the character.

character - The character to be looked up.
The entity reference for that character or null.


protected static CharacterReference lookup(CharacterReference key)
Look up a reference by kernel. Use a binary search on the ordered list of known references. Since the binary search returns the position at which a new item should be inserted, we check the references earlier in the list if there is a failure.

key - A character reference with the kernel set to the string to be found. It need not be truncated at the exact end of the reference.


public static CharacterReference lookup(java.lang.String kernel,
                                        int start,
                                        int end)
Look up a reference by kernel. Use a binary search on the ordered list of known references. This is not very efficient, use lookup(CharacterReference) instead.

kernel - The string to lookup, i.e. "amp".
start - The starting point in the string of the kernel.
end - The ending point in the string of the kernel. This should be the index of the semicolon if it exists, or failing that, at least an index past the last character of the kernel.
The reference that matches the given string, or null if it wasn't found.


public static char convertToChar(java.lang.String string,
                                 int start,
                                 int end)
Deprecated. Use decode.

Convert a reference to a unicode character. Convert a single numeric character reference or character entity reference to a unicode character.

string - The string to convert. Of the form &xxxx; or &#xxxx; with or without the leading ampersand or trailing semi-colon.
start - The starting pooint in the string to look for a character reference.
end - The ending point in the string to stop looking for a character reference.
The converted character or '' (zero) if the string is an invalid reference.


public static char convertToChar(java.lang.String string)
Deprecated. Use decode.

Convert a reference to a unicode character. Convert a single numeric character reference or character entity reference to a unicode character.

string - The string to convert. Of the form &xxxx; or &#xxxx; with or without the leading ampersand or trailing semi-colon.
The converted character or '' (zero) if the string is an invalid reference.


public static java.lang.String decode(java.lang.String string)
Decode a string containing references. Change all numeric character reference and character entity references to unicode characters.

string - The string to translate.


public static java.lang.String decode(java.lang.StringBuffer buffer)
Decode the characters in a string buffer containing references. Change all numeric character reference and character entity references to unicode characters.

buffer - The StringBuffer containing references.
The decoded string.


public static void decode( in,
Decode a stream containing references. Change all numeric character reference and character entity references to unicode characters. If DECODE_LINE_BY_LINE is true, the input stream is broken up into lines, terminated by either carriage return or newline, in order to reduce the latency and maximum buffering memory size required.

in - The stream to translate. It is assumed that the input stream is encoded with ISO-8859-1 since the table of character entity references in this class applies only to ISO-8859-1.
out - The stream to write the decoded stream to.


public static java.lang.String convertToString(int character)
Deprecated. Use encode.

Convert a character to a numeric character reference. Convert a unicode character to a numeric character reference of the form &#xxxx;.

character - The character to convert.
The converted character.


public static java.lang.String encode(int character)
Convert a character to a numeric character reference. Convert a unicode character to a numeric character reference of the form &#xxxx;.

character - The character to convert.
The converted character.


public static java.lang.String encode(java.lang.String string)
Encode a string to use references. Change all characters that are not ISO-8859-1 to their numeric character reference or character entity reference.

string - The string to translate.
The encoded string.


public static void encode( in,
Encode a stream to use references. Change all characters that are not ISO-8859-1 to their numeric character reference or character entity reference.

in - The stream to translate. It is assumed that the input stream is encoded with ISO-8859-1 since the table of character entity references in this class applies only to ISO-8859-1.
out - The stream to write the decoded stream to.


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
Numeric character reference and character entity reference to unicode codec. Translate the input into an encoded or decoded stream and send the results to System.out.

args - If arg[0] is -encode perform an encoding on, otherwise perform a decoding.