Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeVisitor
org.htmlparser The basic API classes which will be used by most developers when working with the HTML Parser. 
org.htmlparser.beans The beans package contains Java Beans using the HTML Parser. 
org.htmlparser.nodeDecorators The nodeDecorators package contains classes that use the Decorator pattern. 
org.htmlparser.nodes The nodes package has the concrete node implementations. 
org.htmlparser.tags The tags package contains specific tags. 
org.htmlparser.util Code which can be reused by many classes, is located in this package. 
org.htmlparser.visitors The visitors package contains classes that use the Visitor pattern. 

Uses of NodeVisitor in org.htmlparser

Methods in org.htmlparser with parameters of type NodeVisitor
 void Node.accept(NodeVisitor visitor)
          Apply the visitor to this node.
 void Parser.visitAllNodesWith(NodeVisitor visitor)
          Apply the given visitor to the current page.

Uses of NodeVisitor in org.htmlparser.beans

Subclasses of NodeVisitor in org.htmlparser.beans
 class StringBean
          Extract strings from a URL.

Uses of NodeVisitor in org.htmlparser.nodeDecorators

Methods in org.htmlparser.nodeDecorators with parameters of type NodeVisitor
 void AbstractNodeDecorator.accept(NodeVisitor visitor)

Uses of NodeVisitor in org.htmlparser.nodes

Methods in org.htmlparser.nodes with parameters of type NodeVisitor
abstract  void AbstractNode.accept(NodeVisitor visitor)
          Visit this node.
 void RemarkNode.accept(NodeVisitor visitor)
          Remark visiting code.
 void TagNode.accept(NodeVisitor visitor)
          Default tag visiting code.
 void TextNode.accept(NodeVisitor visitor)
          String visiting code.

Uses of NodeVisitor in org.htmlparser.tags

Methods in org.htmlparser.tags with parameters of type NodeVisitor
 void CompositeTag.accept(NodeVisitor visitor)
          Tag visiting code.

Uses of NodeVisitor in org.htmlparser.tests.visitorsTests

Subclasses of NodeVisitor in org.htmlparser.tests.visitorsTests
 class ScriptCommentTest.ScriptVisitor
          Implement test case NodeVisitor.

Uses of NodeVisitor in org.htmlparser.util

Methods in org.htmlparser.util with parameters of type NodeVisitor
 void NodeList.visitAllNodesWith(NodeVisitor visitor)
          Utility to apply a visitor to a node list.

Uses of NodeVisitor in org.htmlparser.visitors

Subclasses of NodeVisitor in org.htmlparser.visitors
 class HtmlPage
 class LinkFindingVisitor
 class ObjectFindingVisitor
 class StringFindingVisitor
 class TagFindingVisitor
 class TextExtractingVisitor
          Extracts text from a web page.
 class UrlModifyingVisitor