Course Schedule

The following schedule is under development and subject to change. You can find the complete book here. It will be updated during the semester.

  1. Week 1

    Aug 25
    Overview and Sequencing the Genome · Chapters 1-2
    Aug 26
    recitation Sequences and Big-O, Θ, and Ω · Recitation Worksheet · Solutions
    Aug 27
    Genome + Algorithmic Cost Models · Chapter 3
    Aug 29
    Cost Models + Divide-and-Conquer I · Chapter 4
  2. Week 2

    Sep 1
    ParenLab out (writeup)
    Labor Day - No Lecture
    Sep 2
    MiniLab due (No Late Days)
    recitation Parenthesis Matching · Recitation Worksheet · Solutions
    Sep 3
    ParenLab out (the rest of it)
    Divide-and-Conquer II · Chapter 4
    Sep 5
    Review of D-and-C, and recurrences
  3. Week 3

    Sep 8
    ParenLab due
    SkylineLab out
    Data Abstraction and Sequences I · Chapter 5
    Sep 9
    recitation Scan · Recitation Notes · Recitation Solutions
    Sep 10
    Data Abstraction and Sequences II · Chapter 5 (continued)
    Sep 12
  4. Week 4

    Sep 15
    SkylineLab due
    BignumLab out
    Collect and Single Threaded Sequences · Chapter 5 (continued)
    Sep 16
    recitation Scan Reloaded and Reductions · Recitation Notes · Recitation Solutions
    Sep 17
    Sets and Tables · Chapter 6
    Sep 19
  5. Week 5

    Sep 22
    BignumLab due
    BabbleLab out
    Randomized Algorithms · Chapter 7
    Sep 23
    recitation Probability and Collect · Recitation Notes · Recitation Solutions
    Sep 24
    Quicksort · Chapter 7 (continued)
    Sep 26
  6. Week 6

    Sep 29
    BabbleLab due
    Graphs, Graph Representations, and Graph Search · Chapter 8
    Sep 30
    recitation Exam I Review · Practice Exam · Practice Exam Solutions
    Oct 1
    Exam I Review
    Oct 3
    Exam I · Solutions
  7. Week 7

    Oct 6
    ThesaurusLab out
    BFS and Applications · Chapters 9-10
    Oct 7
    recitation BFS, Graphs and Exam I Debrief · Recitation Notes · Recitation Solutions
    Oct 8
    DFS and Applications · Chapter 11
    Oct 10
  8. Week 8

    Oct 13
    ThesaurusLab due
    AbridgedLab out
    Shortest Weighted Paths I · Chapter 12
    Oct 14
    recitation Shortest Paths and DFS Numberings · Recitation Notes · Recitation Solutions
    Oct 15
    Shortest Weighted Paths II · Chapter 12 (continued)
    Oct 17
    Mid-Semester Break!
  9. Week 9

    Oct 20
    Graph Contraction I · Chapter 13
    Oct 21
    recitation Bellman-Ford and Min-Cut with Graph Contraction · Recitation Notes · Recitation Solutions
    Oct 22
    Graph Contraction II · Chapter 13 (continued)
    Oct 24
    AbridgedLab due
    SegmentLab out
  10. Week 10

    Oct 27
    Minimum Spanning Trees · Chapter 14
    Oct 28
    recitation MSTs · Recitation Notes
    Oct 29
    Binary Search Trees and Treaps I · Chapter 15
    Oct 31
  11. Week 11

    Nov 3
    SegmentLab due
    Binary Search Trees and Treaps II · Chapter 15 (continued)
    Nov 4
    recitation Exam II Review and BSTs
    Nov 5
    Exam II Review · Practice Exam · Solutions
    Nov 7
    Exam II · Solutions
  12. Week 12

    Nov 10
    RangeLab out
    Ordered Sets and Augmented Trees · Chapter 16
    Nov 11
    recitation Ordered Sets, Augmented Trees, and Exam II Debrief · Recitation Notes
    Nov 12
    Dynamic Programming I · Chapter 17
    Nov 14
  13. Week 13

    Nov 17
    Dynamic Programming II · Chapter 17 (Continued)
    RangeLab due
    DPLab out
    Nov 18
    recitation Dynamic Programming · Recitation Notes · Solutions
    Nov 19
    Hash Tables · Chapter 18
    Nov 21
  14. Week 14

    Nov 24
    DPLab due
    CilkLab out
    Other Parallel Languages · Slides
    Nov 25
    recitation NO RECITATION
    Nov 26
    Thanksgiving Break!
    Nov 28
    Thanksgiving Break!
  15. Week 15

    Dec 1
    Cilk Examples · Scan and Reduce · BFS · Hashing
    Dec 2
    recitation Hashing and Final Topic Review · Solutions
    Dec 3
    Priority Queues and Leftist Heaps · Lecture Notes
    Dec 5
    CilkLab due
    Final Review
  16. Week 16

    Dec 10
    Final Review Session
    Dec 12
    Final Exam · Practice Exam · Solutions