15-213 Introduction to Computer Systems
Lecture 27: Multi-Core Architectures

  • Reading:
    • Chip Multithreading: Opportunities and Challenges
      Lawrence Spracklen and Santosh B. Abraham
      International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-11), February 2005.
    • A Single-Chip Multiprocessor
      Lance Hammond, Basem A. Nayfeh and Kunle Olukotun
      IEEE Computer Special Issue on "Billion-Transistor Processors", September 1997.
    • The Case for a Single-Chip Multiprocessor
      Kunle Olukotun, Basem A. Nayfeh , Lance Hammond, Ken Wilson and Kun-Yung Chang
      Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Architectural Support for Parallel Languages and Operating Systems, October 1996.
  • Slides: 27-multicore.pdf
  • Code: none
  • Concepts:
    • Multi-core chip (CMP)
    • SIMD and MIMD multiprocessors
    • Simultaneous multithreading
    • Private and shared caches
    • Cache coherence
    • Affinity masks
    • Process migration
  • Previous lecture: Synchronization
  • Next lecture: none