The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) [5] provides configuration parameters to Internet hosts. DHCP consists of two components: a protocol for delivering host-specific configuration parameters from a DHCP server to a host and a mechanism for allocation of network addresses to hosts. DHCP is built on a client-server model, where designated DHCP server hosts allocate network addresses and deliver configuration parameters to dynamically configured hosts. In this project, you should implement a DCHP client and a DHCP server.
Figure 6 gives a brief overview of the DHCP protocol. A host that does not have a static IP address assigned to it invokes the DHCP client. The client broadcasts a DHCP discover msg. A or multiple DHCP servers on the same network receive this message and broadcast a DCHP offer message. The message contains the IP address that is offered to the client by a server and further configuration parameters such as the IP address of a router. The client picks one of the offered IP addresses and broadcasts a DHCP request message to let the DHCP servers know of its choice. Finally, the DHCP server whose IP address got picked by the client confirms this choice with a DHCP ack packet.
Typically, a dynamic IP address is assigned a finite lease, allowing for serial reassignment of network addresses to different clients. If a lease expires, a client should renew its lease or get a new IP address. If a client no longer needs its address, it should issue a message back to the server to release it.
Both the DHCP client and DHCP server are user-level applications. Your DHCP server should be called dhcp_server and have the following interface:
dhcp_server --topology=FILE --config=FILE --default_lease=LENGTH --max_lease=LENGTH
The topology file contains the topology of your network. This file is identical to the one you need for starting up the simulator. You need to pass this file to read_config() (defined in $PDIR/include/rconfig.h). The configuration file lists each interface of the server that supports DHCP. Also, for each interface, it contains the IP address that should be handed out on that interface. An example configuration file is given below:
1 2
The fact that only one address can be handed out on an interface is due to a limitation of the simulator. Typically, a DHCP server connected to an Ethernet can hand out multiple IP addresses to different hosts on the interface to the Ethernet. However, the simulator does not provide Ethernet support. It supports only direct links between hosts. Therefore, there can be only one client host per interface that requests an address from the DHCP server.
The default lease argument gives the default lease time of addresses handed out to clients and the maximum lease argument their maximum length.
Your DHCP client should be called dhcp_client and have the following interface:
dhcp_client --lease_length=LENGTH --release_time=LENGTH
The lease length gives the suggested length of the lease. A server should return a shorter length if the suggested length is longer than the maximum lease length. The release time indicates after how many seconds a client should release its assigned IP address. If the release time is after the expiration time of a lease, the client needs to renew the lease before.
The DHCP protocol is specified in RFC 2131 [5]. DHCP options are specified in RFC 2132 [6]. Your protocol should support at least the DHCPDISCOVER, DHCPOFFER, DHCPREQUEST, DHCPACK, and DHCPRELEASE messages. Some more requirements/suggestions:
You can set the IP address of an interface using Setsockopt(). The socket must be a routing socket, the level is IPPROTO_IP, the option name IP_IF_SET, and the option value a pointer to struct if_info (defined in $PDIR/include/route.h).