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Class iaik.asn1.structures.Name


public class Name
extends Object
implements Principal, ASN1Type
This class represents a X.500 Name structure. A X.500 name consists of OBJECT IDENTIFIER - value assertions. For example: = "AT".

Constructor Index

 o Name()
The default constructor.
 o Name(ASN1Object)
Constructs a Name from an ASN1Object.

Method Index

 o addRDN(ObjectID, String)
Adds a RelativeDistinguishedName to this Name.
 o addRDN(RDN)
Adds a RelativeDistinguishedName to this Name.
 o decode(ASN1Object)
 o equals(Object)
Compares this Name to the specified object.
 o getName()
 o getRDN(ObjectID)
Returns the value assigned to a given ObjectID.
 o toASN1Object()
Returns this Name as ASN1Object.
 o toString()
Returns a string that represents this Name.


 o Name
 public Name()
The default constructor.

 o Name
 public Name(ASN1Object obj) throws CodingException
Constructs a Name from an ASN1Object. The ASN1Object could be the ASN.1 type "Sequence of RelativeDistinguishedName" or only a SET if there would be just one element in the Sequence.

obj - the ASN1Object of type SEQUENCE or SET
Throws: CodingException
if the ASN1Object has the wrong format


 o decode
 public void decode(ASN1Object obj) throws CodingException
 o getRDN
 public String getRDN(ObjectID oid)
Returns the value assigned to a given ObjectID.

oid, - whose value should be returned
the value of the ObjectID
 o addRDN
 public void addRDN(ObjectID oid,
                    String value)
Adds a RelativeDistinguishedName to this Name.

oid - the ObjectID of the RDN
value - the value of the RDN
 o addRDN
 public void addRDN(RDN rdn)
Adds a RelativeDistinguishedName to this Name.

rdn - the RDN
 o toASN1Object
 public ASN1Object toASN1Object()
Returns this Name as ASN1Object.

this Name as ASN1Object
 o equals
 public boolean equals(Object obj)
Compares this Name to the specified object.

obj - - the object to compare this Name against.
true, if the object represents the same name false otherwise
equals in class Object
 o getName
 public String getName()
 o toString
 public String toString()
Returns a string that represents this Name.

the string representation
toString in class Object

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