Direct3D 10 Interoperability
[CUDA Driver API]


 Direct3D 10 Interoperability [DEPRECATED]


typedef enum CUd3d10DeviceList_enum CUd3d10DeviceList


enum  CUd3d10DeviceList_enum {
  CU_D3D10_DEVICE_LIST_ALL = 0x01,


CUresult cuD3D10CtxCreate (CUcontext *pCtx, CUdevice *pCudaDevice, unsigned int Flags, ID3D10Device *pD3DDevice)
 Create a CUDA context for interoperability with Direct3D 10.
CUresult cuD3D10CtxCreateOnDevice (CUcontext *pCtx, unsigned int flags, ID3D10Device *pD3DDevice, CUdevice cudaDevice)
 Create a CUDA context for interoperability with Direct3D 10.
CUresult cuD3D10GetDevice (CUdevice *pCudaDevice, IDXGIAdapter *pAdapter)
 Gets the CUDA device corresponding to a display adapter.
CUresult cuD3D10GetDevices (unsigned int *pCudaDeviceCount, CUdevice *pCudaDevices, unsigned int cudaDeviceCount, ID3D10Device *pD3D10Device, CUd3d10DeviceList deviceList)
 Gets the CUDA devices corresponding to a Direct3D 10 device.
CUresult cuD3D10GetDirect3DDevice (ID3D10Device **ppD3DDevice)
 Get the Direct3D 10 device against which the current CUDA context was created.
CUresult cuGraphicsD3D10RegisterResource (CUgraphicsResource *pCudaResource, ID3D10Resource *pD3DResource, unsigned int Flags)
 Register a Direct3D 10 resource for access by CUDA.

Detailed Description

This section describes the Direct3D 10 interoperability functions of the low-level CUDA driver application programming interface.

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