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An invariant is a predicate that is true in all states. In the context of state machines, we usually care that an invariant is true in all reachable states. The statement of an invariant, tex2html_wrap_inline342 , in full generality looks like:


where tex2html_wrap_inline342 is a predicate over variables in s and in is a predicate that says whether a state is in an execution. Normally the universal quantification over all executions and the condition that s be in e is omitted (it is understood):


Sometimes we also omit the universal quantification over s as well because it's also understood:


For example, here is an invariant for the Counter example given in State Machine Variations handout:


which says that in all states, x's value is greater than or equal to 0. We know this is true because initially x's value is 0 and because the inc action always increases x's value by 1. Since inc is Counter's only action, there's no other way to change x.

Norman Papernick
Mon Mar 18 14:28:12 EST 1996