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3.5 Correlation Among Methods

As suggested above, it appears that the performance of many of the ensemble methods are highly correlated with one another. To help identify these consistencies, Table 3 presents the correlation coefficients of the performance of all seven ensemble methods. For each data set, performance is measured as the ensemble error rate divided by the single-classifier error rate. Thus a high correlation (i.e., one near 1.0) suggests that two methods are consistent in the domains in which they have the greatest impact on test-set error reduction.

Table 3: Performance correlation coefficients across ensemble learning methods. Performance is measured by the ratio of the ensemble method's test-set error divided by the single component classifier's test-set error.
\begin{table}\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}\vert l\vert ccc...
...37 & 0.35 & 0.60 & 0.63 & 0.69 & 0.96 & 1.00 \\ \hline

Table 3 provides numerous interesting insights. The first is that the neural-network ensemble methods are strongly correlated with one another and the decision-tree ensemble methods are strongly correlated with one another; however, there is less correlation between any neural-network ensemble method and any decision-tree ensemble method. Not surprisingly, Ada-boosting and Arcing are strongly correlated, even across different component learning algorithms. This suggests that Boosting's effectiveness depends more on the data set than whether the component learning algorithm is a neural network or decision tree. Bagging on the other hand, is not correlated across component learning algorithms. These results are consistent with our later claim that while Boosting is a powerful ensemble method, it is more susceptible to a noisy data set than Bagging.

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David Opitz