Medevac Domain Object Model

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Medevac Domain Object Model

Figure 3.1: Medevac Model OMT Diagram

The medical evacuation domain was modeled by selecting a subset of the DITOPS core concepts and specializing them for this problem. This chapter will present the object model developed for this domain. Standard DITOPS concepts are referred to but not documented here. The reader is referred to the previous chapter for a description of the standard DITOPS class library. The OMT diagram of figure 3.1 describes the object model of the medical evacuation domain. In this diagram, DITOPS core classes have their names in uppercase, while the medical evacuation domain classes (in essence, classes designed and implemented for this prototype) have their names in lowercase.

The general structuring of the problem is as follows:

The general modeling approach taken can be described as follows:

It should be noted that contrary to the normal approach of scheduling operations formed as a response to receiving demands (orders), the scheduling process in this prototype has been organized somewhat differently: operations are already scheduled (missions, mission legs), and the role of the scheduler is to find suitable combinations of operations (routes) to satisfy as many demands as possible as well as possible. This can be seen as the mission legs in essence being resources, since they impose allocation constraints on the ``real'' resources, the aircraft.

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Ora Lassila
Fri Nov 17 09:52:15 EST 1995