
      0 Soar's auditory attention at 0, duration 20000.

The following environment variables will change running parameters:
  NEW_SENTENCE	prompt for a new sentence at each init
  DEBUG_SMODEL	display debugging information during s-model dump
  DEBUG_UMODEL	display debugging information during u-model dump
  WORD_TIMINGS	allow sentences to be entered w/ specific word timing

New commands are `nl-io', `select-system', `new-sentence', `dump-utt',
`dump-sit', and `lexicon'.  Check out the help for these.

Select an initial system using `select-system comprehension|generation'
Soar 6.2.3

Bugs and questions should be sent to
The current bug-list may be obtained by sending mail to with the Subject: line "bug list".

This software is in the public domain, and is made available AS IS.
Carnegie Mellon University, The University of Michigan, and
The University of Southern California/Information Sciences Institute
make no warranties about the software or its performance, implied
or otherwise.

Type "help" for information on various topics.
Type "quit" to exit.  Use ctrl-c to stop a Soar run.
Type "soarnews" for news.
Type "version" for complete version information.

Loading .init.soar

Please select either comprehension or generation (c or g): c
Pushing directory onto the stack: nlc


Loading elaborations.soar

Loading comprehension.soar

Loading comprehension.communication.soar


Loading comprehension.elaborations.soar
*******************No production named top*augs*project-new-word*ip
File comprehension.elaborations.soar, line 680:
(excise top*augs*project-new-word*ip)

Loading comprehension.constructors.soar

May need to do further modifications of the lexicon.
Loading lex.ntd.soar

Loading create-operator.soar

Loading create-operator.communication.soar


Loading create-operator.constructor.soar

Loading create-operator.return-operator.soar

Loading u-construct.soar

Loading u-construct.communication.soar


Loading u-construct.snip.soar


Loading s-construct.soar

Loading s-construct.communication.soar

Loading s-construct.create-referent.soar

Loading s-construct.add-property.soar

Loading s-construct.add-relation.soar

Loading s-construct.exhausted.soar

Loading generator.soar


Loading generator.communication.soar

Loading generator.generate-operator.soar

Loading generator.exhausted.soar

Loading constraints.soar

Loading constraints.communication.soar

Loading constraints.check.soar

Loading constraints.check.syntax.soar

Loading constraints.constraint-success.soar


Loading careful-mode.soar

Loading format.soar
NL overrides a default production, default*monitor*attribute-impasses. *


Loading top.soar

Loading soar6.2.3.compatibility.soar

Loading learn-comprehension.soar
Simulated time system already on.
Popping off directory: /afs/
Current directory now is: /afs/
Pushing directory onto the stack: nlg

Loading tas-top.soar6

Loading gen.soar6

Loading tas-nl-interface.soar6

Loading tas-map-to-nl.soar6

Loading tas-map-from-nl.soar6

Loading gen-core.soar6

Loading d-segment.soar6

Loading d-generate.soar6

Loading d-realize.soar6

Loading s-realize.soar6

Loading sr-install.soar6

Loading conjunction-stuff.soar6

Loading sr-lexical.soar6

Loading c-lex.soar6

Loading project.soar6

Loading recall-chunks.soar6

Loading sr-specified.soar6

Loading sr-numbers.soar6

Loading sr-attrib-list.soar6

Loading sr-av-pair.soar6

Loading find-strategy.soar6

Loading map-semantics.soar6

Loading pattern-expand.soar6

Loading govern.soar6

Loading say.soar6

Loading sem-core.soar6

Loading find-next.soar6

Loading gen-sound.soar6

Loading tas-domain-specific.soar6

Loading tas-d-realize.soar6

Loading tas-say.soar6

Loading tas-inference.soar6

Loading c-ta-lex.soar6

Loading tas-recall-chunks.soar6

Loading tas-s-realize.soar6

Loading use-brash

Loading use-bearing
Popping off directory: /afs/
Current directory now is: /afs/

Soar> lexicon

  heading (1 senses)
  speed (1 senses)
  angels (1 senses)
  range (1 senses)
  bearing (1 senses)
  contact (1 senses)
  a (1 senses)
  have (2 senses)
  i (1 senses)
  big (1 senses)
  that (1 senses)
  thinks (2 senses)
  leaving (1 senses)
  is (1 senses)
  gave (2 senses)
  slept (2 senses)
  likes (2 senses)
  man (1 senses)
  apple (1 senses)
  horse (1 senses)
  the (1 senses)
  hit (1 senses)
  copy (1 senses)
  for (1 senses)
  ready (1 senses)
  bfs (1 senses)
  cvfs (1 senses)
  ntd (1 senses)
  uplink (1 senses)
  . (1 senses)

Soar> init-soar
Please enter the sentence you wish to present.  The word spacing
will take on its default value of 350 ms.  If you wish to specify
individual word durations, set the environment variable WORD_TIMINGS.
sentence> the man likes the horse.

Soar> d

     0: ==>G: G1 
     1:    P: P1 (top-ps)
     2:    S: S1 (initial-state)Tree drawing failure while finding roots.

     3:    O: W1 (wait)
     4:    O: W1 (wait)
     5:    O: W1 (wait)
     6:    O: W1 (wait)
     7:    O: W1 (wait)
     8:    O: W1 (wait)
     50 Soar hears you say: the
     9:    O: O2 (learn-comprehension)
    10:    O: W4 (wait)
    11:    O: W4 (wait)
    12:    O: W4 (wait)
    13:    O: W4 (wait)
    14:    O: W4 (wait)
    15:    O: W4 (wait)
    16:    O: W4 (wait)
    17:    O: W4 (wait)
    18:    O: W4 (wait)
    19:    O: W4 (wait)
    20:    O: W4 (wait)
    21:    O: W4 (wait)
    22:    O: W4 (wait)
    23:    O: W4 (wait)
    24:    O: W4 (wait)
    25:    O: W4 (wait)
    26:    O: W4 (wait)
    27:    O: W4 (wait)
    28:    O: W4 (wait)
    29:    O: W4 (wait)
    30:    O: W4 (wait)
    31:    O: W4 (wait)
    32:    O: W4 (wait)
    33:    O: W4 (wait)
    34:    O: W4 (wait)
    35:    O: W4 (wait)
    36:    O: W4 (wait)
    37:    O: W4 (wait)
    38:    O: W4 (wait)
    39:    O: W4 (wait)
    40:    O: W4 (wait)
    41:    O: W4 (wait)
    42:    O: W4 (wait)
    43:    O: W4 (wait)
    400 Soar hears you say: man
    44:    O: O3 (learn-comprehension)
    45:    ==>G: G2 (operator no-change)
    46:       P: P22 (create-operator)
    47:       S: S5 (initial-state)
    48:       O: O4 (u-constructor1)
    49:       ==>G: G3 (operator no-change)
    50:          P: P40 (u-construct)
    51:          S: S5 (initial-state)
Build: chunk-1
    52:          ==>G: G4 (state no-change)
    53:             P: P42 (generator)
    54:             S: S7 (generator-state)
    55:             O: O7 generate-operator(link(man.n--spec-->the.det))
    56:             ==>G: G5 (operator no-change)
    57:                P: P43 (constraints)
    58:                S: S8 (initial-state)
    59:                O: C36 check number-agreement
    60:                O: C34 check assigner-follows
    61:                O: C40 check spec
    62:                O: C38 check not-duplicate-relation
    63:                O: O8 (constraint-success)
Build: chunk-2
Build: chunk-3
Build: chunk-4
    64:          O: C33 link(man.n--spec-->the.det)
Build: chunk-5
Build: chunk-6
Build: chunk-7
Build: chunk-8
Build: chunk-9
Build: chunk-10
Build: chunk-11
Build: chunk-12
Build: chunk-13
Build: chunk-14
Retracting chunk-4
    65:          ==>G: G6 (state no-change)
    66:             P: P44 (generator)
    67:             S: S9 (generator-state)
    68:             O: O9 (exhausted)
Build: chunk-15
Build: chunk-16
    69:       O: O10 (return-operator)
Build: chunk-17
    70:    O: O4 (u-constructor1)
Firing chunk-1

Firing chunk-5

Firing chunk-10

Firing chunk-7

Firing chunk-12

Firing chunk-14

Firing chunk-11

Firing chunk-8

Firing chunk-9

Firing chunk-6

Retracting chunk-17
    71:    O: O3 (learn-comprehension)
    72:    ==>G: G7 (operator no-change)
    73:       P: P45 (create-operator)
    74:       S: S10 (initial-state)
    75:       O: O12 (s-constructor4)
    76:       ==>G: G8 (operator no-change)
    77:          P: P63 (s-construct)
    78:          S: S10 (initial-state)
Build: chunk-18
    79:          O: O13 (create-referent)
Build: chunk-19
Build: chunk-20
    80:          O: O14 (exhausted)
Build: chunk-21
    81:       O: O15 (return-operator)
Build: justification-1
Build: chunk-22
Build: justification-2
    82:    O: O12 (s-constructor4)
Firing chunk-18

Firing chunk-19
    83:    O: W8 (wait)
    84:    O: W8 (wait)
    85:    O: W8 (wait)
    86:    O: W8 (wait)
    87:    O: W8 (wait)
    88:    O: W8 (wait)
    89:    O: W8 (wait)
    90:    O: W8 (wait)
    91:    O: W8 (wait)
    92:    O: W8 (wait)
    93:    O: W8 (wait)
    94:    O: W8 (wait)
    95:    O: W8 (wait)
    96:    O: W8 (wait)
    97:    O: W8 (wait)
    98:    O: W8 (wait)
    99:    O: W8 (wait)
    750 Soar hears you say: likes
   100:    O: O16 (learn-comprehension)
   101:    ==>G: G9 (operator no-change)
   102:       P: P67 (create-operator)
   103:       S: S13 (initial-state)
   104:       O: O17 (u-constructor6)
   105:       ==>G: G10 (operator no-change)
   106:          P: P85 (u-construct)
   107:          S: S13 (initial-state)
Build: chunk-23
   108:          ==>G: G11 (state no-change)
   109:             P: P87 (generator)
   110:             S: S16 (generator-state)
   111:             O: O22 generate-operator(link(likes.v--adjoin-->likes.v))
Build: chunk-24
   112:          O: C82 link(likes.v--adjoin-->likes.v)
Build: chunk-25
Build: chunk-26
Build: chunk-27
Build: chunk-28
Build: chunk-29
Build: chunk-30
Build: chunk-31
Retracting chunk-24
   113:          ==>G: G12 (state no-change)
   114:             P: P88 (generator)
   115:             S: S19 (generator-state)
   116:             O: O26 generate-operator(link(likes.i--comp-->likes.v))
Build: chunk-32
   117:          O: C89 link(likes.i--comp-->likes.v)
Build: chunk-33
Build: chunk-34
Build: chunk-35
Build: chunk-36
Build: chunk-37
Build: chunk-38
Retracting chunk-32
   118:          ==>G: G13 (state no-change)
   119:             P: P89 (generator)
   120:             S: S20 (generator-state)
   121:             O: O30 generate-operator(link(likes.i--spec-->man.n))
   122:             ==>G: G14 (operator no-change)
   123:                P: P90 (constraints)
   124:                S: S21 (initial-state)
   125:                O: C97 check number-agreement
   126:                O: C95 check assigner-follows
   127:                O: C101 check spec
   128:                O: C99 check not-duplicate-relation
   129:                O: O32 (constraint-success)
Build: chunk-39
Build: chunk-40
   130:          O: C93 link(likes.i--spec-->man.n)
Build: chunk-41
Build: chunk-42
Build: chunk-43
Build: chunk-44
Build: chunk-45
Build: chunk-46
Build: chunk-47
Retracting chunk-40
   131:          ==>G: G15 (state no-change)
   132:             P: P91 (generator)
   133:             S: S22 (generator-state)
   134:             O: O33 (exhausted)
Build: chunk-48
Build: chunk-49
   135:       O: O34 (return-operator)
Build: chunk-50
   136:    O: O17 (u-constructor6)
Firing chunk-23

Firing chunk-25

Firing chunk-26

Firing chunk-29

Firing chunk-30

Firing chunk-27

Firing chunk-31

Retracting chunk-50

Firing chunk-36

Firing chunk-33

Firing chunk-34

Firing chunk-35

Firing chunk-38

Firing chunk-42

Firing chunk-43

Firing chunk-45

Firing chunk-47

Firing chunk-44

Firing chunk-41
   137:    O: O16 (learn-comprehension)
   138:    ==>G: G16 (operator no-change)
   139:       P: P92 (create-operator)
   140:       S: S25 (initial-state)
   141:       O: O36 (s-constructor9)
   142:       ==>G: G17 (operator no-change)
   143:          P: P110 (s-construct)
   144:          S: S25 (initial-state)
Build: chunk-51
   145:          O: O37 (create-referent)
Build: chunk-52
Build: chunk-53
   146:          O: O38 (exhausted)
Build: chunk-54
   147:       O: O39 (return-operator)
Build: justification-3
Build: chunk-55
Build: justification-4
   148:    O: O36 (s-constructor9)
Firing chunk-51

Firing chunk-52
   149:    O: W53 (wait)
   150:    O: W53 (wait)
   151:    O: W53 (wait)
   152:    O: W53 (wait)
   153:    O: W53 (wait)
   154:    O: W53 (wait)
   155:    O: W53 (wait)
   156:    O: W53 (wait)
   157:    O: W53 (wait)
   158:    O: W53 (wait)
   159:    O: W53 (wait)
   160:    O: W53 (wait)
   161:    O: W53 (wait)
   1100 Soar hears you say: the
   162:    O: O40 (learn-comprehension)
   163:    O: W55 (wait)
   164:    O: W55 (wait)
   165:    O: W55 (wait)
   166:    O: W55 (wait)
   167:    O: W55 (wait)
   168:    O: W55 (wait)
   169:    O: W55 (wait)
   170:    O: W55 (wait)
   171:    O: W55 (wait)
   172:    O: W55 (wait)
   173:    O: W55 (wait)
   174:    O: W55 (wait)
   175:    O: W55 (wait)
   176:    O: W55 (wait)
   177:    O: W55 (wait)
   178:    O: W55 (wait)
   179:    O: W55 (wait)
   180:    O: W55 (wait)
   181:    O: W55 (wait)
   182:    O: W55 (wait)
   183:    O: W55 (wait)
   184:    O: W55 (wait)
   185:    O: W55 (wait)
   186:    O: W55 (wait)
   187:    O: W55 (wait)
   188:    O: W55 (wait)
   189:    O: W55 (wait)
   190:    O: W55 (wait)
   191:    O: W55 (wait)
   192:    O: W55 (wait)
   193:    O: W55 (wait)
   194:    O: W55 (wait)
   195:    O: W55 (wait)
   196:    O: W55 (wait)
   1450 Soar hears you say: horse

Retracting chunk-22

Firing chunk-17

Firing chunk-22
   197:    O: O43 (s-constructor4)
Firing chunk-18

Firing chunk-19
   198:    O: O42 (u-constructor1)
Firing chunk-1

Firing chunk-5

Firing chunk-10

Firing chunk-7

Firing chunk-12

Firing chunk-14

Firing chunk-11

Firing chunk-8

Firing chunk-9

Firing chunk-6

Retracting chunk-17
   199:    O: O41 (learn-comprehension)
   200:    ==>G: G18 (operator no-change)
   201:       P: P114 (create-operator)
   202:       S: S28 (initial-state)
   203:       O: O44 (u-constructor10)
   204:       ==>G: G19 (operator no-change)
   205:          P: P132 (u-construct)
   206:          S: S28 (initial-state)
Build: chunk-56
   207:          ==>G: G20 (state no-change)
   208:             P: P134 (generator)
   209:             S: S33 (generator-state)
   210:             O: O48 generate-operator(link(likes.v--spec-->horse.n))
   211:             ==>G: G21 (operator no-change)
   212:                P: P135 (constraints)
   213:                S: S34 (initial-state)
   214:                O: C149 check assigner-follows
Build: chunk-57
Firing chunk-57
   215:             O: O47 generate-operator(link(likes.v--comp-->horse.n))
   216:             ==>G: G22 (operator no-change)
   217:                P: P136 (constraints)
   218:                S: S35 (initial-state)
   219:                O: C162 check form
   220:                O: C160 check subcat-feature
   221:                O: C158 check subcat
   222:                O: C156 check receiver-follows
   223:                O: C164 check not-duplicate-relation
   224:                O: O53 (constraint-success)
Build: chunk-58
Build: chunk-59
   225:          O: C144 link(likes.v--comp-->horse.n)
Build: chunk-60
Build: chunk-61
Build: chunk-62
Build: chunk-63
Build: chunk-64
Build: chunk-65
Build: chunk-66
Firing chunk-66

Build: chunk-67
Build: chunk-68
Retracting chunk-59
   226:          ==>G: G23 (state no-change)
   227:             P: P137 (generator)
   228:             S: S36 (generator-state)
   229:             O: O55 generate-operator(link(likes.c--comp-->likes.i))
Build: chunk-69
   230:          O: C172 link(likes.c--comp-->likes.i)
Build: chunk-70
Build: chunk-71
Build: chunk-72
Build: chunk-73
Build: chunk-74
Build: chunk-75
Build: chunk-76
Build: chunk-77
Retracting chunk-69
   231:          ==>G: G24 (state no-change)
   232:             P: P138 (generator)
   233:             S: S37 (generator-state)
   234:             O: O56 (exhausted)
Build: chunk-78
Build: chunk-79
   235:       O: O57 (return-operator)
Build: chunk-80
   236:    O: O44 (u-constructor10)
Firing chunk-56

Firing chunk-60

Firing chunk-64

Firing chunk-63

Firing chunk-68

Firing chunk-62

Firing chunk-65

Firing chunk-66

Firing chunk-66

Firing chunk-61

Firing chunk-70

Firing chunk-71

Firing chunk-75

Firing chunk-76

Firing chunk-72

Firing chunk-73

Firing chunk-77

Retracting chunk-80
   237:    O: O41 (learn-comprehension)
   238:    ==>G: G25 (operator no-change)
   239:       P: P139 (create-operator)
   240:       S: S38 (initial-state)
   241:       O: O59 (s-constructor13)
   242:       ==>G: G26 (operator no-change)
   243:          P: P157 (s-construct)
   244:          S: S38 (initial-state)
Build: chunk-81
   245:          O: O60 (exhausted)
Build: chunk-82
   246:       O: O61 (return-operator)
Build: justification-5
Build: justification-6
Build: justification-7
   247:    O: W144 (wait)
   248:    O: W144 (wait)
   249:    O: W144 (wait)
   250:    O: W144 (wait)
   251:    O: W144 (wait)
   252:    O: W144 (wait)
   253:    O: W144 (wait)
   254:    O: W144 (wait)
   255:    O: W144 (wait)
   256:    O: W144 (wait)
   257:    O: W144 (wait)
   258:    O: W144 (wait)
   1800 Soar hears you say: .

Formatted tree is now available in /tmp/
*** Interrupt from production nl-soar*stop ***

Maintainer: updated 95-01-06)