05-830, User Interface Software, Spring, 2000
Lecture 7, February 16, 1999
Copyright © 2000 - Brad Myers
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Software Organization:
Seeheim Model,
Object-Oriented Programming for UIs
Software Organizations
Ways to organize code, rather than tools.
Helps think about modularization and organization.
Goal: separation of UI and rest of software = "semantics"
Derived from compiler theory and language work.
Mostly relevant to older, non-DM interfaces
Conceptual (definition from Foley & Van Dam text,
1st edition)
key application concepts that must be understood by user
User model
Objects and classes of objects
Relationships among them
Operations on them
Example: text editor
objects = characters, files, paragraphs
relationships = files contain paragraphs contain chars
operations = insert, delete, etc.
functionality of the system; what can be expressed
What information is needed for each operation on object
What errors can occur
Semantic vs. UI is key issue in UI tools
but "semantic" is different than meaning in compilers
"Semantic Feedback"
Depends on meaning of items
Example: only appropriate items highlight during drag
sequence of inputs and outputs.
For input, the sequence may be represented as a grammar:
rules for combining tokens into a legal sentence
For output, includes spatial and temporal factors
Example: prefix vs. postfix
Lexical (as subdivided by Buxton)
spelling and composition of tokens
"add" vs. "append" vs. "a" vs.
Where items are placed on the display
"Key-stroke" level analysis
For input, is the design of the interaction techniques:
how mouse and keyboard combined into menu, button, string, pick, etc.
Pragmatic (as subdivided by Buxton)
How the physical input devices work
required "gestures" to make the input.
skilled performance: "muscle memory"
press down and hold, vs. click-click
Seeheim Model
Resulted from the 1st UI software tools workshop which took place in Seeheim,
Germany. Nov 1-3, 1983.
Logical model of a UIMS
UIMS = User Interface Management System (old name for user interface software)
All UI software must support these components, but are they separated? How
Presentation Component
External presentation of the user interface
Generates the images
Receives physical input events
Lexical parsing
Dialog Control
Parsing of tokens into syntax
Must maintain state to deal with parsing; modes.
Application Interface Model
defines interface between UIMS and the rest of the software
"Semantic feedback" for checking validity of inputs
Not explicit in UIMSs; fuzzy concept.
Roughly like today's call-backs.
Invented in Smalltalk, about 1980
Idea: separate out presentation (View), user input handling (Controller)
and "semantics" (Model) which does the work
Fairly straightforward in principal, hard to carry through
Never adequately explained (one article, hard to find)
program a new model, and then re-use existing views and controllers
multiple, different kinds of views on same model
Views closely associated with controllers.
Each VC has one M; one M can have many VCs.
VCs know about their model explicitly, but M doesn't know about views
Changes in models broadcast to all "dependents" of a model using a standard
Simple as an integer for a counter; string for an editor
Complex as a molecular simulator
Everything graphical
Layout, subviews, composites
Schedule interactions with other VCs
A menu is a controller
Standard interaction cycle:
User operates input device, controller notifies model to change, model broadcasts
change notification to its dependent views, views update the screen.
Views can query the model
Views and controllers tightly coupled
What is in each part?
Complexities with views with parts, controllers with sub-controllers, models
with sub-models...
Since hard to separate view and controller
Used by Andrew, InterViews
Primary goal: support multiple views of same data.
Simply switch views and see data differently
Put into Model "part that needs to be saved to a file"
but really need to save parts of the view
Object-Oriented Techniques
Note: Assume have had an introduction to object-oriented techniques.
Became popular along with GUIs, Direct Manipulation
Icons, graphics seem like objects:
have internal state, persistance
OO was originally developed (SmallTalk) and became popular (C++) mostly due
to GUIs.
Object Oriented
As a UI technique:
Same as GUI, Direct Manipulation = icons, graphical objects, widgets
Here, as a programming paradigm (often in a language)
A form of "data abstraction"
"Classes" describe the basic structure of the data
Also, the methods that can be called
Usually no direct access to the data, only the methods
Create "instances" of the classes
local copy of data
may also be class data
shares all methods
"Inheritance": create a new class "like" the superclass
by default has all the same methods and data
can add new data and methods and re-program inherited methods
Example: graphical_object.draw ... circle.draw
New style of programming; thinking about the problem
Many books about how to do it right.
OO design; getting the classes and protocols right
So subclasses don't have extra, wasted data space
Methods make sense to all sub-classes
So external classes don't need to know inside description.
Also OO databases, etc.
object in memory, starts with pointer to table of methods, etc.
lots of tricks and extra declarations in C++ etc. to avoid overhead of lookups
("virtual", "pure virtual")
Multiple inheritance
Class has multiple parent classes
Combine all the methods and data of all
Special rules for when conflict (same method, same name of data with different
types, etc.)
Example: circle inherits from graphical-object and moveable-object
Complex so often not used even when available
Amulet uses constraints to provide flexible copying of values instead
Prototype-Instance model
Instead of the class-instance model
All objects are instances
Can use any object as a prototype for other objects
Inherits all slots it doesn't override (= instance variables, member variables,
fields, attributes).
Methods are just a value in a slot
Dynamic changing of methods
Easy to implement using structures.
Usually, changing prototype data also changes all instances that do not override
May provide adding and removing of slots dynamically to any instance
Simpler model, easy to implement
But much less efficient
Can't usually compile slot accesses into structure access; may need a search
Type checking on slots
Methods looked up at run-time
Space for names of slots, extra pointers, etc.
OO in SmallTalk
First "pure" example
Everything is an object (numbers, strings, etc.)
Single inheritance
Methods dispatched on a single parameter
3 + "4.5" different from "4.5" + 3
Dynamic method lookup at run-time
=> "Message not understood"
Strange syntax with special characters
Whole environment (windows, browsers, MVC, etc.)
OO in C++
Numbers, strings, etc. not objects
Lots of mess to make it fit with C
Statically (compile-time) determine types, methods
Originally a pre-processor (new syntax)
OO in CLOS (common-lisp object system)
Add-on to language
Special feature: method dispatch on all parameters
+(int int) +(int str) +(str int) +(str str)
Methods not as tightly coupled with objects
OO in MacApp
Because OO so natural for UIs, invented their own language: Object Pascal
with help from Werth
Used in MacApp
SmallTalk model, but more compile-time checkable
Eventually abandoned in favor of C++
OO in Andrew and Motif
Invented their own object systems in C
Mainly is a method and inheritance protocol
Andrew: (ATK) pre-processor for header files
single inheritance
"_" = new syntax: class_method(xxx)
dynamic loading of object implementations
querying an object's class at run-time
Andrew consortium just finished converting to C++
just a set of conventions; no preprocessor
not "real" inheritance, overriding
Before C++ was popular, available
Amulet provides a prototype-instance object system embedded in C++
Java is a object oriented language (more later)
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