05-830, User Interface Software, Spring,
Lecture 8, February 21, 2000
Copyright © 2000 - Brad Myers
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Show videos of constraint solvers.
Relationships defined once and maintained by the system
Useful for keeping parts of the graphics together.
Typically expressed as arithmetic or code relationships among variables.
Variables are often the properties of objects (left, color)
"Dataflow" constraints; Choices:
Single-Output vs. Multi-output
Types: One-way, Multi-way, Simultaneous equations, Incremental, Special purpose
Cycles: supported or not
Others: AI systems, scheduling systems, etc.
One Way Constraints
Simplest form of constraints
D = F(I1, I2, ... In)
Often called formulas since like spreadsheets
Can be other dependencies on D
CurrentSliderVal = mouseX - scrollbar.left
scrollbar.left = window.left + 200
scrollbar.visible = window.has_focus
Not just for numbers:
mycolor = x.color
Just re-evaluate all required equations every time a value is requested
least storage, least overhead
Equations may be re-evaluated many times when not changed. (e.g,
when mouse moves)
file_position = F1(scrollbar.Val)
scrollbar.Val = F2(file_position)
Cannot detect when values change (for redraw)
Cache current values with each constraint; lazy eval
A = 10
B = A + 5
C = A * B
D = A + E
E = 20
F = D + C
now need to know when values become invalid and recalculate in right
two phases: invalidate and re-calculate
invalidate all values that depend on the changed value
recalculate only values that are demanded
data structures: depends-on-me, i-depend-on
may re-evaluate values that haven't changed unnecessarily when conditionals,
"max", etc.
can mark slots/objects that change
can detect cycles with a counter
Multiple outputs
(D1, D2, ... Dm) = F(I1, I2, ... In)
Side-effects in the formulas
useful for creating objects
when happen?
what if create new objects with new constraints
cycles cannot be detected
Variables in the dependencies:
D = p^.left + 10
important innovation in Garnet we invented, now ubiquitous
supports feedback objects
supports loops:
D = Max(components^)
requires the dependencies be dynamically determined
Constant formula elimination
To decrease the size used by constraints
Two-Way (Multi-way) Constraints
From ThingLab
Constraints are expressions with multiple variables
Any may be modified to get the right values
A.right = A.left + A.width - 1
Often requires programmer to provide methods for solving the constraint in
each direction:
A.left = A.right - A.width + 1
A.width = A.right - A.left + 1
Useful if mouse expressed as a constraint
Requires a planning step to decide which way to solve
Many systems compute plans and save them around since usually change same
variable repeatedly
In general, have a graph of dependencies, find a path through the graph
How control which direction is solved?
CurrentSliderVal = mouseX - scrollbar.left
"Constraint hierarchies" = priorities
constants, interaction use "stay" constraints with high priority
Dynamically add and remove constraints
Brad Vander Zanden's "QuickPlan" solver
Handles multi-output, multi-way cyclic constraints in O(n2) time instead
of exponential like previous algorithms
Simultaneous Equations
Required for parallel, perpendicular lines; tangency, etc.
Also for aggregate's size
Numerical (relaxation) or symbolic techniques
Michael Gleicher's PhD thesis
Only express forward computations
Tries to get reverse by incrementally changing the forward computation in
the right direction using derivatives.
Supports interactions otherwise not possible
Produces smooth animations
Special: Animation Constraints in Amulet
Implemented using Amulet's constraint mechanism
When slot set with a new value, restores old value, and animates from old
to new value
Usually, linear interpolation
For colors, through either HSV or RGB space
For visibility, various special effects between TRUE and FALSE
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