Fellowship Requirements & FAQs

Center for Machine Learning and Health

The Center for Machine Learning and Health fellowship programs are designed to give Ph.D. students focusing on emerging technologies an opportunity to deepen their knowledge base and contribute meaningfully in making healthcare better. Healthcare is a vast sector — and our fellows' interests are just as broad as the technologies supporting the healthcare ecosystem. The requirements stated here apply to all CMLH Fellowships.



  • Fellows must be full-time Ph.D. students working on a project related to the theme of the fellowship at the time of the award for the duration of the fellowship.
  • No other fellowship should support the student throughout the duration of the award. The CMLH Fellowship cannot be combined with any other fellowships. 
  • The fellow is responsible for the requirements of the fellowship and must notify the CMLH if a change in status or project direction occurs.
  • Fellows must abide by and uphold the community standards of the university.
  • Fellows are expected to follow university intellectual property (IP) and research policies.
  • The student must be in good standing in their Ph.D. program for the duration of the fellowship.
  • Fellowships are nontransferable between students. If a fellowship recipient leaves the program prior to completing their 12-month term, any remaining fellowship funding is retained by the CMLH.
  • You must be primarily engaged in research on your main fellowship topic and physically at CMU during the times you are supported as a fellow. This prohibits significant outside jobs or consulting arrangements. You can take a short internship or a visiting research opportunity (in most cases, during the summer). However, you cannot be supported by the CMLH fellowship for these periods.


  • Fellows provide a photo, brief biography and project abstract for the CMLH website and consent to use at the discretion of the CMLH for social media posts and other marketing purposes.
  • Recipients must allow sharing of the project title and project abstract with our sponsor, UPMC Enterprises, and other potential CMLH sponsors.
  • Provide a CV, project abstract and presentation slides to the CMLH to share with our sponsor, UPMC Enterprises, at the conclusion of the fellowship. (Project abstracts, progress reports and presentation slides should not include proprietary information.)


  • Fellows should acknowledge the CMLH in any of their publications related to the CMLH-funded work and notify the CMLH of any papers that result from the research. Example: "This work was partially supported by a fellowship from Carnegie Mellon University's Center for Machine Learning and Health to X.Y.," (where X.Y. are the fellow's initials). 

Support for the CMLH

  • Fellows will submit a progress report to the CMLH after six and 12 months of funding. 
  • Students must present the research at a CMLH seminar series during or following the term of the fellowship. Fellows must present at a public event hosted by the CMLH. Invitees to the event will be at the discretion of the CMLH.
  • Fellows should endeavor to attend various CMLH seminars and social/virtual events.
  • Failure to submit the progress reports on time or attend the meetings will result in the termination of the fellowship.
  • Students who are awarded a CMLH fellowship and their faculty adviser(s) may be asked to review proposals in the future rounds of CMLH funding.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I combine a CMLH Fellowship with another fellowship? No. Fellowships cannot be combined with any other fellowships. No exceptions.
  • When do the fellowships start? Is there any flexibility? Once the fellows are selected, the fellowship must begin on the first day of the academic semester as stated in the acceptance notification email. The schedule is as follows:
    • Fellowship Notification Date: spring 2025
    • Fellowship Start Date: first day of fall 2025 semester
    • Fellowship End Date: one year from start date
    • Note — The fellowship start date can only be delayed for one semester (upon submitting an extension request to be approved by the CMLH). The approval will be at the discretion of the CMLH. Extensions requesting a start date beyond one academic semester will not be approved.
  • Does the CMLH Fellowship prioritize projects that will be commercialized? The primary goal of the CMLH Fellowship is to fund early term scientific research with potential for high impact in healthcare. While near-term commercializability can be one route to impact, the proposed research does not need to have commercializable components. Scientific contributions are more valued.
  • Does the project have to use machine learning? No. The CMLH Fellowship is agnostic to technology and method. It should use computation and push methodological boundaries.
  • Do I need collaborators at UPMC? No. You do not need to have collaborators at UPMC.
  • Do I have to be a Carnegie Mellon University student? Yes. The CMLH Fellowship is only for full-time CMU Ph.D. students.
  • Is the fellowship transferable if, for example, a student leaves or changes advisor? No. The fellowship program funds students for the specific project that was submitted to the CMLH. Fellowships are nontransferable between students. If a fellowship recipient leaves the program prior to completing their 12-month term, any remaining fellowship funding is retained by the CMLH.
  • I am a faculty member, and I have a project that I think would be a good fit. Unfortunately, I do not have a student. Can I submit to the fellowship program? No. The fellowship program funds students, not projects. 
  • I am a faculty member, and I advise more than one student. Can I submit a letter of recommendation for each of my students who are applying? A faculty member may supply a letter of support for at most one applicant. 
  • Who controls the $3,000 discretionary funds? The student who is awarded the fellowship. These are fellowship awards not project awards. The student is the PI, and the student should manage the funds. The funds must be used for research-related expenses, expenditures must be approved by the business manager of the fellow’s department, and the expenditure of these funds must follow all university rules and procedures.