Carnegie Mellon Teams Place 1st, 3rd in US Open Competition

Byron SpiceWednesday, May 28, 2008

The School of Computer Science's small-size robot soccer team, CMDragons'08, took first place (out of two teams) at the RoboCup Federation's US Open RoboSoccer competition on Tuesday, May 27 at the Carnegie Science Center. The school's AIBO team, CMDash'08, was third in a five-team field behind Bowdoin College and the University of Texas at Austin.

A joint team representing Carnegie Mellon and Georgia Tech was one of three participating in an exhibition of NAO humanoid robot teams. The team, GTCMUnited'08, also will participate in the International RoboCup Federation competition in Suzhou, China, July 14-20. Professor Manuela Veloso said one of the goals of the joint humanoid team is to get robot players that are developed in two different groups to work together.

A nano-sized team, Magic & Voodoo, from Carnegie Mellon's Mechanical Engineering Department, participated in a nanobot demonstration at the US Open.

For More Information

Byron Spice | 412-268-9068 |