Byron SpiceTuesday, November 1, 2011Print this page.
Celebrated InternetEntrepreneur Will Speak to Students and Faculty
PITTSBURGH - Facebook founder and CEOMark Zuckerberg will make his first visit to Carnegie Mellon University onTuesday, Nov. 8.
Carnegie Mellon is one of three campusesbeing visited by Zuckerberg during an East Coast college tour. He also hasscheduled appearances at Harvard University and MIT.
While at Carnegie Mellon,Zuckerberg will meet with faculty and students and he will give a talk to aninvitation-only audience. He will be joined by Mike Schroepfer, Facebook's vicepresident of engineering.
The audience will primarily consistof computer science and electrical and computer engineering students, and will alsoinclude students with interests related to these fields and other topics at thecore of Facebook's business.
Zuckerberg, 27, famously createdFacebook in 2004 while a computer science student at Harvard. What began asFacemash, a website for comparing student photos, rapidly evolved intoFacebook. It is now the most used social networking site in the world with morethan 800 million active members. Zuckerberg was Time magazine's Person of theYear in 2010.
Though this will be Zuckerberg'sfirst visit to Carnegie Mellon's Pittsburgh campus, he and his colleagues at Facebookare well-acquainted with the university, which boasts a consistently top-rankedcomputer science program. Facebook is a major recruiter at Carnegie Mellon and employs about 50 alumni. Many CMU students have benefited from internships withthe Palo Alto, Calif., company.
"We are very excited by theprospect of hosting a visit by Mark Zuckerberg," said Randal E. Bryant, dean ofthe School of Computer Science. "Facebook has profoundly changed the nature of socialinteractions worldwide. Supporting these interactions requires massiveinformation processing capabilities, for which Facebook has become a leader inadvanced computing technology."
Ticketing information for Zuckerberg's talk will be announced to the campus community this week.
Noteto reporters and editors: Mark Zuckerberg's campus meetings will not be open tothe public or the news media.
Byron Spice | 412-268-9068 |