NOVA Episode Featuring Watson, SCS Faculty Available Online

Byron SpiceThursday, February 10, 2011

Jeopardy! Viewing Party for Students on Feb. 16

"Smartest Machine on Earth," the Feb. 9 episode of PBS's top-rated science documentary series, NOVA, can be viewed online, This episode focused on Watson, the computer system IBM built to play humans on TV's Jeopardy! quiz show and included commentary from Tom Mitchell, head of the Machine Learning Department, and Luis von Ahn, assistant professor of computer science. Alex Waibel, professor in the Language Technologies Institute, demonstrated his Jibbigo language translation app on the program.

In addition to the full episode, NOVA also has posted shorter features on artificial intelligence, including a video about robot soccer featuring Manuela Veloso, professor of computer science, and another about computer vision featuring Alexei Efros, associate professor of robotics and computer science

The Jeopardy! matches featuring Watson and champions Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter will air Jan. 14-16 (at 7 p.m. on WPXI in Pittsburgh). LTI Professor Eric Nyberg, who worked closely with IBM on the Watson project, will participate in a live online chat, along with Tom Mitchell, through the NOVA web site,, during the Jan. 16 episode. Nico Schlaefer and Hideki Shima, Phd students in LTI who also worked with IBM on the Watson project, will live blog through the NOVA site during the Jan. 14 episode.

Nyberg, Schlaefer and Shima discuss the project and their roles in this new Carnegie Mellon video,

Carnegie Mellon and IBM will host a viewing party to celebrate the final Jeopardy! episode featuring Watson in the Rashid Auditorium, GHC 4401. Doors will open at 5 p.m. The Jan. 14 and 15 episodes of Jeopardy will be rerun at 5:30 p.m. and Nyberg will speak at 6:30 p.m., followed by the Jeopardy broadcast. During this event, local IBM executives will be on hand to meet with students, talk about the technology and share in this historic moment with the next generation of leaders and entrepreneurs.

Will Watson Win on Jeopardy? NOVA posed that and related questions to Von Ahn, MIT's Rodney Brooks and IBM's David Ferrucci, who headed the Watson project. See what they had to say here:
Some of Nyberg's thoughts on Watson can be heard on two videos produced by IBM: and

Also, check out the IBM Watson Facebook page,, and follow Watson on Twitter @ibmwatson and join in the conversation using the hashtag #ibmwatson.

Eric Nyberg
Graduate students Hideki Shima and Nico Schlaefer and LTI Prof. Eric Nyberg
For More Information

Byron Spice | 412-268-9068 |