Multiagent Negotiation and Resource Allocation
Negotiation with private knowledge
We present offer generation methods for negotiation
among multiple agents on multiple issues where agents have no
knowledge about the preferences of other agents. Most of the existing
negotiation literature considers agents with either full information
or probabilistic beliefs about the other agents preferences on the
issues. However, in reality, it is usually not possible for agents to
have complete information about other agents preferences or accurate
probability distributions. Moreover, the extant literature typically
assumes linear utility functions. We present a reactive offer
generation method for general \emph{ multiagent multi-attribute
negotiation}, where the agents have \emph{ non-linear utility
functions and no information} about the utility functions of other
agents. We prove the convergence of the proposing method to an
agreement acceptable to the agents. We also prove that rational agents
do not have any incentive to deviate from the proposed strategy. We
further present simulation results to demonstrate that on randomly
generated problem instances the negotiation solution obtained by using
our strategy is quite close to the Nash bargaining solution.
R. Zheng, N. Chakraborty, T. Dai, and K. Sycara, `` Automated Multiagent Negotiation on Multiple Issues with
Private Information '', Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (Under Review).
Available as Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-13-04.
R. Zheng, N. Chakraborty, T. Dai, and K. Sycara, `` Automated Bilateral Multiple-Issue Negotiation with No
Information about Opponent '', 2013 Hawaai International Conference on Systems Sciences , Maui, Hawaii,
January 2013.
(Nominated for Best Paper Award.)
Scheduling energy consumption with private knowledge
A key challenge to create a sustainable and energy-efficient society is in making consumer demand
adaptive to energy supply, especially renewable supply. In this paper, we propose a partially-centralized
organization of consumers, namely, a consumer cooperative for purchasing electricity from the market.
We propose a novel multiagent coordination algorithm to shape the energy consumption of the cooperative.
In the cooperative, a central coordinator buys the electricity for the whole group and consumers make their
own consumption decisions based on their private consumption constraints and preferences. To coordinate
individual consumers under incomplete information, we propose an iterative algorithm in which a virtual
price signal is sent by the coordinator to induce consumers to shift demand. We prove that our algorithm
converges to the central optimal solution. Additionally we analyze the convergence rate of the algorithm
via simulations on randomly generated instances. The results indicate scalability with respect to the number
of agents and consumption slots.
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