Click on the following links for media coverage of our work and its impact:
In the News
- DeSIGN: Guided Practice for Sign Language
QNRF Newsletter Issue #5, February 2011 - As the Crow Flies
Carnegie Mellon Today, January 2011 - TechBridgeWorld Releases Specs, Software for Braille Writing Tutor
Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute, October 2010 - Interns in Bangladesh: Developing Educational Technologies
Carnegie Mellon homepage, August 2010 - CMUQ students visit Bangladeshi city for internship programme
Gulf Times, August 2010 - Students develop technologies for communities in Chittagong
The Daily Star, July 2010 - CMU teams for internship in Bangladesh
Gulf Times, May 2010 - Automated Tutor for Visually Impaired Children
QNRF Newsletter Issue #2, November 2009 - page 3 - TechBridgeWorld iSTEP
Carnegie Mellon homepage, August 2009 - CMU-Q launches internship facility for research pupils
Gulf Times, July 2009 - Research internship for CMU-Q students
The Peninsula, July 2009 - Enhanced education using interactive computer games
QNRF Newsletter Issue #1, May 2009 - page 4 - Qatar project spreads light of learning
Gulf Times, March 2009
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